"Just Calista." She seemed unruffled. "Is Bain trying to intimidate you? He was always like that, even as a boy. He's mostly harmless." She gave me a conspiratorial wink.

"Viva," Bain said as though he hadn't heard her, "I'll leave you in Calista's capable hands."

Calista clicked her tongue at him as he walked off. "That boy, always so uptight." She shook her head.

I snorted before I could stop myself. I already had my family's reputation to contend with, without making myself look foolish. Snorting like a dragon hunting its prey…

Oh well, take me or leave me, I guess.

Calista smiled, snaked an arm around mine and led me in the direction she'd come from.

"I would assume you've heard many things about the Vault," she said without preamble. "Most of it is probably true, but we don't bite. Well, most of us." She gave a soft laugh. "At least, not in human form."

"I've heard many…interesting things," I said. Calista smelled of lilacs, the soft scent a welcome change from train air and sandalwood.

Calista gave me a look, but said nothing. It seemed she'd already made up her mind about me. She probably thought I was no better than the average witch. I might be offended, but she had a point. I would have to try to prove we weren't all assholes.

She opened a door near the end of the corridor.

"I'll leave you here to freshen up and rest for a few hours," Calista said graciously. "You must be exhausted."

"A little bit," I said. Honestly, I wanted to rid myself of the damn artefact as soon as I arrived. For something so small, it began to feel heavy. I considered demanding to see the Keeper, but thought better of it. I was in no position to make demands.

If he wanted to see me immediately, then I would be in front of him now.

My mother always said those who lived in the Vault liked to play games. This was probably one of them.

The Covener was no better. Many times I saw him leave less powerful witches to sweat before he allowed them an audience. The Keeper might do the same to me. It was was possible, even understandable, but as annoying as fuck.

"Thank you, Calista." I felt uncomfortable addressing her by name. "I should sit down for a little while."And clear my head.The smells in this place were overpowering.

"Why do you look scared?" Calista asked.

For a moment I thought she was speaking to me. I glanced back toward the door, ready to respond.

A reply died unsaid when I saw Izzy standing outside. The other woman had followed so quietly, I forgot she was there.

"No reason," Izzy said lightly. She wouldn't meet Calista's gaze, but she certainlylookedscared. She smelled it too, like sweat and fear.

"So you say," Calista said. "Come with me. We'll let Viva rest."

Panic threatened to claw at me, but I soon realised it was coming from Izzy. What had her so terrified? Surely it wasn't just her getting busy for an hour while I was on the train unsupervised? Maybe she'd fucked the wrong guy. She wouldn't be the first person to do that, and she wouldn't be the last.

My godsdamn 'tainted' blood was evidence of that.

I forced an insincere smile. "Yes." The word squeaked out, higher than I intended. I cleared my throat. "Izzy should have a rest too too, after watching over me so well."

To her, I said, "Thank you for helping me find my way. I would have been lost without you."

Not. I just didn't want her to end up feeding the birds. For some reason, that mattered to me. Maybe I just objected to a senseless death.

Izzy looked surprised, but grateful. She still stank of fear. Whatever was going to happen to her was going to suck. Her eyes said as much.

I knew I couldn't do any more, without making trouble for myself.

"Yes, Calista," Izzy said meekly and followed the older woman out of the room.

I turned away from the door after it closed behind them. The smell of coffee greeted me, reminding me I hadn't eaten since breakfast.