"Like what?" He seemed genuinely curious.

I looked toward my horse's mane for a moment. I didn't even know his name. Maybe that was for the best, I didn't want to get attached, in case it ended up as dragon lunch. It occurred to me that might be why we rode, instead of travelling by car. The animals could be a meal while we made a run for it.

I realised Dex was watching and waiting for an answer.

"Just the usual things," I said. "Swapping salt for sugar. Putting pepper in the bed of one of the Counsellors."

"Learning to use weapons," he added for me.

"That too," I agreed. "I tried with practice swords, but I wasn't very good with those. I wanted to learn to use my stepfather's gun, but he won't let anyone touch it. Most witches hate guns." Honestly, most witches didn't need anything but their own power, but my stepfather liked antique things, including his old pistol.

"That's good to know," Dex said thoughtfully.

I made a face. "I suppose I shouldn't tell you things like that, in case the witches go to war with the shifters."

"I won't tell anyone." He had a teasing sparkle in his eyes, but I knew he would if victory depended on it. "Any more witch secrets I should know?"

I cringed inwardly, but lifted my chin and said, "We're fierce fighters and never give up."

"I guessed that about you," he said. "I'm surprised the shifters ever dared to piss the witches off."

"I suspect that's the other way around," I said. "Most witches also don't know when to keep their mouths shut."

His gaze fixed on my mouth and his eyebrows twitched. "Nothing wrong with an open mouth," he said.

My eyes went to his groin, but I managed to keep most of my mind on the conversation. "It depends what comes out of the mouth."

"Or what goes in," he said with a smile.

"What would the other shifters think?" I asked.

His smile faded. "They would want proof you're part shifter."

"And if you can't give them that?" I asked.

The look he gave me was a very clear, 'I don't give a fuck what they think.' His desire to have me and my power was unwavering.

"I'm also a fierce fighter who never gives up," he said firmly.

"At the risk of being replaced by the Alpha?" I asked.

"One does what one must," he agreed.

"What would your aunt do if that happened?" I didn't think Calista would be too impressed.

"She would stand by me, no matter what." He seemed very certain of that. "I also have my witch allies." He seemed amused.

"The Covener might help," I replied. "But only if he could get something out of it for himself."

"I would expect nothing less from Denis Crane," Dex said with a chuckle. "Will of iron, mind of cash. Or jewels, or trade deals."

I cocked my head slightly. "That sounds accurate." He'd work both sides against the other if it was to his advantage in some way.

My tongue darted over my lips before I asked, "Why were those people calling for an end to the Alpha's leadership?"

Dex looked surprised before his expression became guarded. "People often call for odd things in the heat of the moment."

That was true, but there was more to this. "They seemed pretty adamant. Maybe the priests have been talking to them. Offering them…guidance."