The lad beamed, then ducked out of the way as an older boy led out a midnight black gelding with snapping teeth.

Dex walked a few steps behind. "Isn't he magnificent?"

Viva moved back behind Wind, and even I took half a step away from the creature's hooves.

"That's one word for him," I replied. "Wouldn't a quieter mount be easier to manage?"

"Afraid of a challenge?" Kerina asked.

I snapped my fingers in her direction. "I knew the horse's temperament reminded me of someone."

Dex chuckled.

Viva looked unsure as to whether or not I was joking.

"I'd rather have a cranky temperament than be a horse's ass," Kerina retorted. She stalked off toward her own horse, a chestnut mare the same colour as her hair, but without the fire in her eyes.

"Are you two going to be like this the entire time?" Dex asked. "Maybe it's not an Intimate you need."

Past his shoulder, Viva looked uneasy. Was it the mention of Intimates, or something else? Not everyone was comfortable with the idea of people who made a living from selling their bodies.

I didn't think it was that though. She seemed—

I shook my head to myself and checked Wind's saddle and girth. It would be better for everyone if I didn't speculate about the woman's thoughts. Truthfully, I wanted to distance himself from her, in every way possible. What was to come would be easy if I didn't think of her as… didn't think of her at all.

"Only if he wants to get stabbed in the groin," Kerina muttered, loud enough for them all to hear.

Dex gave her a funny look, but shrugged and swung himself up onto the gelding. The horse danced beneath him, but settled when the Keeper leaned forward to pat his neck.

"See, nothing to it."

I left Wind where she stood and made a stirrup for Viva to climb onto her horse. Her mount was a brown gelding, unremarkable to look at, but with a calm eye. Evidently she thought so too, because she let out a soft sigh as she settled into the saddle.

"This one won't end up like the one on the street," I assured her.

She turned a soft smile on me. "I hope not. That was…"

"Yes, it was," he agreed. "We'll make sure the dragon can't do it again. Or take a person."

She drew up the reigns and held them as though she'd ridden all her life. "It could have been you."

"He would have dropped me," I assured her. "Once he tried to bite into me. I probably taste like old leather." Hades, why was I trying to make her feel better? Shit, now I was thinking about her tasting me.

She laughed, deep and low. "I'm sure you're not that bad." She glanced toward my groin.

Shit, if I stood here any longer, talking and thinking like this, I wouldn't be able to sit on my horse without an uncomfortable, raging erection.

"Hopefully the dragon won't try to find out," I murmured. I felt like a kid with my first crush.Idiot,I told myself.

"We won't let you come to any harm," Dex said in a way which suggested he'd heard most, if not all, of the conversation.

I glanced toward Dex, then snorted when I realised the Keeper had addressed me.

"Thank you, your Keeperness." I offered an ironic bow. "I feel much safer knowing you and your mount will protect me. That's certainly preferable to a company of trained, experienced archers."

Dex grinned. "Finally, you've come around to my way of thinking."

"Archers can come in useful," Viva said.