"I don't want to be a nursemaid," I said firmly. "I also don't want to scrape your remains off a dragon's talon." Nor did I want to do anything which might put the Keeper at risk. That included leaving the residence. Staying might be dangerous as well, but here I was more confident I could ward off any threats until I decided what to do with Viva.

I glanced around at the servants who bustled around the Keeper's quarters. I had known all of them since I was a kid. Many I used to play with in the residence gardens, or the streets of the Vault. I liked to think I could trust all of them, but right now I could barely trust myself.

Kerina hadn't spoken to me the whole way back to the residence or when I saw her in the dining room off the kitchen that morning.

She made it clear she couldn't trust me either.

I sighed softly.

"All right, out with it." Dex planted his fists on his hips and looked at me with concern. "You've been stomping around like a headless elephant all morning."

"I'm reasonably certain elephants without heads don't stomp," I said dryly. "Or do much of anything."

"Possibly not, but you do. You're usually excited at the idea of a hunt." Dex cocked his head. "It's usually your idea."

"That's true," I conceded. "But after all the strange happenings and talk of unrest, do you really think it's a good idea to go?"

"Wise?" Dex rubbed his chin. He looked as though he hadn't shaved for a few days. "We need to know why a dragon attacked the city and flew off with a perfectly good horse. Thank Hades that was all he did." At least, we had received no reports of injuries, death or anything other than folks seeing the dragon pass overhead. Of those reports, there were plenty. The creature caused quite the spectacle.

"You could send Trevor and a contingent of soldiers out to look for it," I said. "A company of archers, maybe a cannon. There's no need for you to go yourself."

"I'm starting to wonder if it's you who doesn't want to go," Dex said lightly. "Would you prefer to stay here? I'm sure Kerina would welcome the chance to lead. You could sit in the shade with a good book." He smiled, but a flash of annoyance crossed his eyes.

"That won't be necessary," I replied, my voice tight. "My place is by your side, no matter where you go. Unless you order me to do otherwise," I added quickly. I couldn't protect the Keeper if the man removed me from my post.

Dex nodded. "I could order you to tell me what's bothering you."

I opened my mouth to protest, but closed it at a gesture from Dex.

"I won't order that. You're entitled to keep your thoughts to yourself in certain matters, as long as it doesn't impact your job. However, I will ask you one thing."

"What's that?" I asked carefully.

"Is it about a woman?" Dex grinned.

I snorted. "In a manner of speaking, yes." Not in the way Dex thought, but let him believe whatever he wanted.

"I thought so." Dex clapped me on the shoulder. "There's nothing quite like a complicated romance to drive a man to distraction. Or woman, for that matter."

"Yes, absolutely," I agreed. "I'll try not to let it get in the way of my work."

"I know you won't let that happen." Dex nodded. "You're aware Kerina and Viva are coming with us?"

I stiffened. "I'm aware."

Dex gave me a speculative look, which I interpreted as curiosity over which woman, if either, might be the cause for the complication. "I assume that's not a problem."

"Not at all," I said. Having all three together would make it easier for me to keep an eye on them. With any luck, Kerina would keep her mouth shut. I would have to find a moment to speak to her alone and order her to silence. I couldn't afford anyone getting wind of the conversation we had with the zealot, especially Viva and the Keeper.

"Good." Dex turned away. "With Viva's abilities, I think we'd all be safer with her coming along. With Kerina's, too. The fewer of us go, the fewer can see if she has to use her power. I wouldn't trust that with Trevor. He's a good man, but I trust you with my life, and with Viva's."

I was glad the Keeper had his back to me, so he couldn't see the uncomfortable expression on my face. "Thank you," I said, with a certain amount of irony. "I won't let you down." Shit, I hoped I wouldn't. If I did, I deserved an eternity of whatever Hades might dish out to me.

"Of course you won't." Dex turned back and moved aside to let me grab his pack.

"Are you taking the residence?" I asked, relieved to be able to lighten the topic of conversation somewhat.

Dex chuckled. "Not thewholeresidence, no. Just the most important parts."