"Please do the honours," Harold said. He gave a nod of his large head, which doubled the number of his chins for a moment. His gaze was fixed on a tall, slender priest who looked half his age.

Dispensable was the word which came to my mind. If the box was fitted in some way with a trap, the young brother would set it off first. Harold was a real hero. Not.

The brother's mouth twitched with obvious nerves, but he stepped forward and lay his hands on the top of the box.

Dex's guards moved back to stand beside Bain. If there was a trap, they would all be caught in it as well. So would I. I kept an eye on the door, feet ready to bolt if I needed to. At the same time, I got ready to draw a shit load of power to shield myself.

Hands trembling, the brother undid the latch on the left side of the box, then the right. He paused, during which nothing happened. He took a noisy, wheezing breath through his nose and opened the box slowly.

I craned my neck to look around Bain. Nothing nasty jumped out, as far as I could see. No baby dragons ready to make their first meal of those gathered in the treasury. No angry cats seeking vengeance on those who would dare to stuff them in a box. Not even a stray scent of anything but gold and a hint of…

I squinted. At least half a dozen dragon scales sat on top of a pile of gold and silver coins.

I was tempted to poke at them and see if any held remaining power. I swallowed and stuffed the urge down. If anyone here was trying to test me, they would be disappointed.

From the look on Harold's face, he was anything but disappointed. He touched a scale with reverent fingers, eyes wide with unbridled greed.

Gifts go to Hades, my ass,I thought. If the temple wasn't lucky, Harold would snatch up a fistful of scales and gold and run from the Vault on the next train. Of course then his fate would be decided by Hades. That alone would keep him here. Well, that and the fact he could spend the gold just as easily from here on whatever projects the temple saw fit.

"The Keeper is very generous," Harold declared. "And you as well." He pulled the knife back out and laid it across the pile of gold. "Very generous indeed. We will ask Hades for his continued good health."

"And that of the Alpha," Bain reminded him.

Harold blinked. "But of course. We ask Hades for that with each breath we take."

I bit back a snort and Bain even looked amused for a fraction of a moment.

"Good brother," Bain went on, "myself and the Keeper's guest would like to attend the altar and give our own thanks to Hades."

When Bain jerked his head toward me slightly, Harold looked surprised. He recovered quickly and favoured us with a greasy smile.

"Certainly. Knox will escort you."

The slender brother looked as anxious as he had before opening the box. Perhaps that hadn't been the cause of it after all. With his still trembling hand, he waved toward the door.

"Y…yes. I'd be hap…happy to," Knox stammered. With a watery smile, he stepped outside and started back toward the main section of the temple.

I fell in beside Bain and left the rest of the guards to return to the horses while priests and priestesses buzzed around the box, muttering in admiration.

"Wouldn't a bank transfer have been easier?" I asked. "I mean, why the coins?"

Bain gave me a look, but didn't respond.

I shrugged and turned to Knox. "Have you been here long?" I asked. If Bain wouldn't talk, maybe he would.

"N…not long, sis…sister," he replied.

"It's just Viva, please," I said.

"Vee…Vee…" He blinked rapidly, then frowned.

"It doesn't matter," I said quickly. "Vee is fine."

He gave me a grateful smile and led us around a corner. There, he stopped and looked back.

He drew himself up taller and any sign of trembling was gone.

My heart skipped and I reached for Bain's scent. I drew in power and let it tingle through me. If he moved a hair toward us…