"Unlike the average, full-blooded witch," Bain muttered.
"Yeah, they can be like that," I agreed. "Especially with those they consider beneath him."
"If I were to guess, I would think that's everyone." Bain didn't even try to contain his disdain. He opened the garage door and leaned his arm against it while he regarded me.
"That's probably true, but some might say the same about Dex." I ducked under his arm and stepped into the garage.
"Would you?" Bain followed me inside.
I turned and cocked my head, one hand on my hip. "No. He seems as though he genuinely cares about his people."
"He does," Bain said firmly.
"What is he going to do afterward?" I lowered my hand to my side and followed him toward a handful of motorcycles which stood off to the side.
"When there's an heir?"
When I nodded, he continued. "There has to be one first. The Alpha and his wife have been married a long time, but it's not too late to happen. Then the heir has to be old enough to lead. Of course, they also have to reach adulthood."
"As inheritances go, your system seems overly complicated," I remarked. "Why not just leave Dex and his heirs to rule? Or vote on it."
"Because the Alpha leads, and no one wants to admit he can't get his wife pregnant. Men can be…"
"Stubborn?" I finished. "You'd think people were questioning the size of his dick."
"They probably are." Bain shrugged. "People will gossip. If no child comes, eventually he'll have to hand over the leadership.
"Would that be a bad thing?" I almost missed catching the helmet Bain tossed to me. I grabbed it at the last moment and ignored the amusement on his face.
"It would be bad if others thought they should lead instead of Dex. That would end in war."
"I'm starting to think that might be inevitable anyway." I threw my hand up when he frowned at me. "I'm not going to support the witches if the Covener tries to take advantage of the situation, but it has to be difficult for Dex to keep control when the Alpha is never seen. Are you sure he's real?"
"He's real," Bain grunted. "He shows himself a few times a year, to remind everyone he exists and to ensure their loyalty."
"I assume you're not suggesting Dex's loyalty is in question?"
"Certainly not," Bain agreed evenly. "You shouldn't either." He led me toward a bike, pulled off the cover and tossed it toward a nearby shelf.
"What happens if he has no kids?" I asked. "Or Dex for that matter?"
He turned to regard me, brows lowered heavily. "Then the Vault is doomed. Best not ask Hades for that."
I shivered.
"Exactly," he said upon seeing my reaction. "Ask Hades for heirs for the Alpha, and lots of them." Before I could respond to that, he turned and wheeled the bike he'd chosen toward the door.
"Something to remember," Bain said over his shoulder. "Wherever the walls may be, they always have ears." He glanced toward a young mechanic, who was busily folding the cover Bain had pulled off the bike, making it neater than it probably needed to be.
I pursed my lips at the guy's back. I was sure he wasn't close enough to overhear our conversation, but I would watch myself in future.
"So, I don't get my own bike?" I asked.
"I figured it would be easier this way," Bain said. "You might get lost on one of your own. Or damage it."
"My sense of direction isn't that bad," I argued. I'd never ridden a motorbike before, so damaging one wasn't out of the question. I also might hurt myself, which wasn't on my to-do list for the day.
"Do you need help to get on?" Bain asked. He moved toward me, but I shook my head.