I nodded slowly. "Even if you can't, I say your shifter blood means you belong here. Your mind feels more shifter than witch anyway." I sensed that for a long time, but I hadn't realised until now.
Her eyes studied mine for a long while. I held my ground. We both had our secrets, she had to know she could trust me with hers.
Finally, she nodded. "You're going to tell him, aren't you?"
"Dex? He should know, yes, if only to keep you safe."
She looked doubtful. "If you guessed, then others might, including him." She cocked her head. "What do you mean, my mind? Can you—"
"I sense thoughts," I said. "Sometimes I can read them, but only if I try, which I usually don't. With you, I can sense your intentions, but not the reason behind them. Perhaps you don't know yourself."
I was baiting her a little, but not knowing what she was thinking annoyed me for some reason. I liked to be in control and with her, I wasn't.
"Can anyone else do that?" she asked. "Dex? Calista?"
I grunted. "Dex has no power beyond the ability to shift. Calista either, but there might be others. All the more reason he should know."
"Why can you sense minds?" she asked. "Are you part witch? Can you do what I do?"
"No." Her question might have bothered a shifter with smaller balls. "It's just an instinct thing."
"Like animal instincts?" she asked.
She was on the verge of earning herself a spanking. Comparing shifters to animals was the most witch remark I heard her say so far. I'd happily dish out the punishment, but the idea was making me harder than I could afford to be right now. A knee in the groin might snap my dick right off.
I glanced around us. "It's something we shouldn't talk about here."
"What about the others you mentioned?" she pressed again. "Can anyone else use scent? Can they do other things? Can they—"
I held up a hand to cut her off. "Wereallyshouldn't talk about this here. Have you heard the expressionthe walls have ears?Well here especially. It's part sanctuary, part nest of serpents."
She looked around. "Who are you referring to as a—"
I interrupted her again, "I'll talk to you later. You can tell Dex or I will. Either way, the sooner he knows, the better for you."
"All right." She held her hands up in surrender. "Maybe you should. You know him better than I do." She looked vulnerable, scared, then pissed at herself for showing me that side of her.
I understood. There were those who, if they knew what I could do, would try to use me for their own gain. For her, it would be the same, or worse. Showing weakness gave those others a chance to exploit it. She was still a badass, but seeing a flash of her softer side made me wonder what else there was to see.
"Bain?" Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"I'll speak to Dex," I said, my stone mask back in place. "Good day." I gave her a hasty nod and hurried away.
* * *
"What is she?"Dex asked. He looked back at me over the desk. He seemed composed but for a slight twitch of his chin. Barely noticeable, I knew to look for it after so many years. It was a sure sign Dex was more agitated than he let on. The greater the twitch, the higher the agitation. At the moment it was only subtle.
"She's a witch with shifter blood. How much blood, I have no idea. She doesn't know if she can shift."
"I see," Dex said. "Is she dangerous?" His twitch increased.
"I don't think," I replied. "She seems controlled well enough." I should have guessed what she was when I saw her dried petals.
Witches with shifter blood were rare enough. I put my self-blame aside before it took hold. That line of thought wasn't helpful or productive.
"She seems grateful to be here," I added. "I believe her gratitude is genuine."
"I agree," Dex replied. The twitch eased somewhat.