Zophia looked regretful. "I can't prove anything, but that's my suspicion. That's another reason I'm here. If anyone knew I had done the transcribing, they might assume I remember what I wrote."

"Do you?" I asked, suddenly compelled to glance over my shoulder.

"Most of it. So do Calista and Dex, and a dozen other people here, but the priests won't act against the residence. As long as Dex doesn't talk about it, they keep their peace."

"I don't understand why it's such a big deal." I picked up the rest of my food and went on eating.

"That's because you don't know what else the scrolls contained." Zophia smiled secretively.

"There's more?" I was curious in spite of myself.

"One of the scrolls suggested he was screwing his own sister." Zophia made a face. "Although the other said she wasn't her sister, but something else entirely."

"What sort of something else?"

"Anything from a demon, to the darker part of Hades. It's not clear. It even hinted that Hades was the darker half. I suppose I can understand why they wouldn't want people thinkingthat."

"It is a little sacrilegious," I agreed. I learnt long ago that just because someone said a thing, it didn't mean it was true. My curiosity or mistrust in the Council's motives for sending me here made me seek out ways to keep myself safe, and avoid becoming a commodity. That did beg one question.

"What does Dex do with slaves?"

My question clearly took Zophia by surprise. "That depends on the slave. Most work to buy their freedom, and then stay on afterward. Dex and Calista are good to their people. However," she added, "most aren't women."

"What do you think he would have done with me?" I frowned.

"I don't know, it's never happened before. Perhaps he'd have sold you off to someone else. You'd be worth enough to buy an army."

I opened her mouth to retort, until I realised Zophia was teasing. I closed my mouth and huffed instead, throwing a side-on look for good measure.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Zophia looked as though she was trying to hold back a laugh. "I didn't mean to offend you. Slavery is all but dead amongst paranormals. People would have come from all over to stare."

I grimaced. "Thank Hades it didn't come to that."

"You know, your knowledge of the Council would be invaluable to the Covener's enemies, slave or no slave."

I couldn't argue with that. I would have to watch my back.



I sensedViva before she approached the sanctuary door. She gave me a surprised glance and reached for the handle.

Like always, parts of her thoughts were closed off to me. What I could read suggested she was worried about something.

Back rod straight, I started to turn away.


I didn't need to delve into her thoughts, they were written on her face. If I brushed her off now, she would find me again later. She already proved her persistence by finding a way to get asylum. If she had something to say, I would have to listen, sooner or later. She was determined it would be now.

"Viva." I gave her a nod and tried to keep my expression disinterested. It was difficult with the way her clothes hugged every centimetre of her. They left enough to the imagination for mine to go wild. I wanted to tie her wrists to the nearest railing and pull the fabric from her body with my teeth. Then—

I caught the eye of Cowan, the other guard on the door. The man moved away a few metres under the pretence of speaking to a passing servant.

"Did you want something?" I asked.

Her eyes lingered on mine for a moment. I would almost swear she was thinking the same thing I had a moment ago.