"Oh." Jaq's face was red, but he gave a half smile.

"Dex's joking never gets boring, does it Jaq?" I asked, my expression deadpan except for a hint of humour I let creep into my eyes.

Jaq nodded. His long grey hair, tied back in a ponytail, bobbed. "Not. I've known the Keeper since he was young enough to toddle underfoot, and I can never get enough of his humour."

"Nowwho is teasing?" Dex asked, his eyebrows raised.

"That would be us," I replied lightly. "With the utmost respect, of course."

"I'm sure." Dex snorted. "But I think the word you're after is irony, not respect."

"If you say so, sir," I said.

My response was met with a chuckle from Jaq. "I should get back to work before I get fired." The driver gave the Keeper a bow and a lopsided smile.

"Yes you should. Shame you work for such an asshole." Dex waved him away with a grin.

Jaq walked away chuckling.

Still smiling, Dex turned to me. "He's a good man, we're lucky to have him."

"He is," I agreed. "For an asshole, you seem to inspire loyalty in some people." The sides of my mouth threatened to tug upward.

"Only because I have the best wine and beer," Dex replied. "Speaking of which—" He nodded toward the arched doorway which led into his residence. "Why don't you go and enjoy yourself?"

"You have a duty to perform first," I replied. "That duty is mine as well."

Dex sighed. "Very well, but I don't expect you to." He held up a hand before I could speak. "I know. We have this conversation every time."

I nodded. "The men should have told her by now."

"Thank Hades it was only one."

"None would be better."

Dex murmured his agreement.

* * *

Although small incomparison to others scattered around the Vault, the residence's own temple to Hades was usually busy. Few people would stop by tonight while the festivities continued.

Tomorrow they would come to ask for an end to their sore heads, or for babies to have been conceived during the festivities. According to some, Hades bestowed the best of his blessings on those children.

Beside it, the temple of Eleos would receive visits from those begging forgiveness for whatever they did while drunk. The goddess was well known for bestowing mishaps on adulterers, liars and those who cheated at card games. The latter was especially frowned upon.

I ducked my head to step inside the temple.

Built at least a hundred years ago, people must have been shorter then than now. Or perhaps Hades wanted worshippers to bow upon entering his sacred space. Either way, most who entered had to bend to get through the door.

The temple flickered with candlelight, which bounced off the carvings on the walls. In some places, hands had all but rubbed them smooth. In others, they looked as if a master carver had worked them into the walls only days ago. A depiction of Hades and some long dead king with an exaggerated cock was especially untouched.

Before Dex became Keeper, it was covered, hidden for reasons no one knew anymore. Dex ordered it uncovered and left that way.

I once asked Dex if he'd have a carving of himself made in the same style. He laughed, but did not say no. If anyone would do such a thing, if only to outrage some of the older folk in the residence, it would be Dex. No doubt his cock would be even bigger.

I bowed toward the image of Hades on the far wall. He stood with arms outstretched in welcome, a smile on his face. Two naked women sat at his feet. I guessed that was why he smiled.

Dex bowed too and muttered something about a dragon. Probably words of thanks for the day's hunt and our survival. Or perhaps he asked for a garden dragon next time. He should be careful what he asked for. Hades might just deliver.