I lowered my arm slowly.
The man who sat in the open sarcophagus was young, but at the same time, not. His skin looked lightly tanned under a sprinkle of beard. The expression in his bright blue eyes was ancient.
"Great One," Helene said in awe. She dropped to her knees.
Luther gaped for a while before he too lowered himself to his knees.
"I suppose you could call me that." Comus, I presumed, swung his legs over the side of the sarcophagus and leapt out. He landed on the floor and staggered with the grace of someone who hadn't used their limbs for a few hundred years.
In spite of that, his body was ripped. I had never seen so many abs on one person before. I barely noticed those though. My eyes went to a cock so big my stomach clenched. Somewhere between desire and the sneaking suspicion he'd tear me in two.
He swaggered toward me, a smile on his lips. He was handsome, with all the arrogance I might expect from a god.
"I presume I have you to thank for releasing me." He spoke with an unfamiliar accent. One hot enough to set panties on fire. If they weren't flooded instead.
Fucking damn.
"No, Great One," Helene said, hasty and loud. "It was me. She—" She nodded in my direction. "She was reluctant."
Comus clicked his tongue, but his eyes didn't leave me.
"Was she now? Well that's a shame, but she's here now. She can witness your reward." He licked his lips as though he wanted to unnerve me and stepped away, toward the other two.
Both looked eager; matching smiles on their faces.
Comus rubbed his chin. Wasn't his beard shorter a moment ago? His hair seemed to have grown as well, at least a finger length.
"My mother, damn her soul to eternity, made this prison for me." He waved toward the sarcophagus. "She knew it would only take those of great power to release me. She," he glanced back toward me, "is Hecate, but you probably know that."
"Helene suggested as much," I agreed.
"Ah." He nodded. "Yes. My father was an Alpha of Jintaro, which technically makes me an Alpha." He rubbed his ever-growing beard.
"I suppose it does." What did they call a half man, half god? A demigod? As far as I knew, they were a myth, but the stories weren't pleasant. Demigods were supposedly bad tempered and power hungry.
Wait— Hemi-theos. Didn't that mean half-god? According to Helene and Luther, we were demigods? What the fuck?
"Yes, you are," Comus replied. "I can sense your thoughts." He turned back to the others. "Once, all hemitheos’ magic was combined. My mother made sure it was diluted so a hemitheos only had one ability. She was such a spoilsport." He pouted. "She also had hemitheos quietly killed, so the chance of their being three with the kind of power you have, would be rare."
He smiled. "Anyway, here you all are." He glanced toward the entrance as though troubled by something. He shook his head and his smile returned.
"At any rate, this sarcophagus is special. It kept me alive, and continues to do so."
"Praise the power," Helene whispered.
"Yes." Comus snapped his fingers. "Praise the power indeed. However, in order to keep working, it must be occupied."
Helene's face paled. "But Great One, we sacrificed so much to release you."
He cocked his head for a moment, then barked a laugh. "I don't meanI'mgoing back in there, dear woman." His gaze went from me to Luther and back again, a satisfied smile on his lips.
"Which one of you two?" he mused.
Both of their eyes widened. "I wish to serve you, Great One," Helene said quickly.
"Oh, goodness, how quickly you throw your companion under the carriage wheels." Comus clicked his tongue again. "Very well."
Luther let out a choked sound as he rose into the air.