"Right." Fear didn't always make sense, but I couldn't let it cripple me the way it had twice today. Running across the illusory chasm would haunt my dreams, but it was a fear faced down, at least a little. When this was over, I might find a cliff to climb. Or better yet, keep both booted feet safely on the ground.



"Get up, it is time."

Helene's voice woke me from a fitful sleep.

My first thought was to tell her to fuck off, roll over and go back to sleep. That wouldn't end well for me.

I opened my eyes enough to see Helene in the gloom of early morning. Given how dark the room tended to be, it wasn't much different to the gloom of evening, or the gloom of midday.

It was enough light to see the woman scowl.

"Are you certain I'm ready?" I asked. I pushed myself to sit up, and wiped sleep from my eyes.

"No, but nevertheless, it is time." Helene tossed me a blouse and pants, the same black as hers, and stepped from the room saying, "I expect you in the chamber in ten minutes." She didn't need to say which chamber. As far as she was concerned, there was only one of any importance around here.

"Yes, Hemathea," I muttered. I pushed the blanket aside and rose. While I dressed, I wished I dared to try to get word to Knox, if only so he could know to run if he needed to.

I supposed he would hear about it. Hades willing, it would be soon enough.

It actually came sooner than I expected.

When I made my way toward the stairs, soldiers moved aside for me. At first, I thought they would enter the chamber, but instead, four of them arrayed themselves around the bottom of the stairs. Knox was one of them.

I was so used to him not acknowledging me that his broad smile and wink caught me by surprise.

His companions gave him a knowing look and one even elbowed him in the side.

I raised an eyebrow at them. I didn't suppose it mattered what they thought, but seeing them act that way made me wish I'd given them a good reason to do it. Maybe when this was over.

I looked down at my feet and started up the stairs. Part of me wanted to turn and run.

On the other hand, the soldier's presence might be to prevent me from doing just that, as much as to keep out intruders.

What intruders?

My mind wandered to Bain. If I believed Knox, and I did—mostly—the man was halfway here by now. To help or hinder, who knew? It was too late anyway. By the time he arrived, this would all be over.

I slogged up the steps with all the enthusiasm of a kid entering a classroom to study maths. Actually, that might be better than trying to revive a dead, clearly powerful man, to life.

What could go wrong?I asked myself. Apart from any number of things.

When I reached the top, Helene and Luther stood near the head of the sarcophagus, arms crossed, heads bent together in soft conversation. A sense of urgency filled the room. Was that from them or Comus? Maybe both. If he was in a hurry, it would infect them.

I realised it began to infect me the moment I stepped into the chamber.

"It's about time," Helene snapped.

My mother would have told her to be nice if she wanted help.

I held my tongue, because I knew they didn't need me to have one. They needed my power, not my ability to speak. As for my tongue, I was pretty attached to that. Ice cream would suck without it.

"Sorry," I said, and flashed them what I hoped was a winning smile. "What do we do?"

Apparently I said the right thing. Helene nodded and lowered her arms.