Comus?I thought.

The response was more a sense of agreement than a reply with words.

Helene says you're alive in there.

Again, the response came in the form of a sensation.

And you want to get out of there?I couldn't blame him, it must be boring as fuck inside there.

This time I heard a faint, "Yesss," drawn out like a hiss of wind. "We can all be free." The words came with such a rush of warmth, I almost stepped back. If it wasn't for Helene's grip, I would have.

You really want that, don't you? For everyone to be free of… Their burdens. Their chains.

"Yesss," Comus hissed. "Free."


"The power. Only the power. You must learn. Then the world can…be free."

"Learn?" I said out loud.

"To use your power. My prison is strong." His voice became more faint. "You will need…"

"Need what?" But he was gone, along with any feeling of warmth.

I shivered. The room felt cold and damp. Helene no longer held my wrist, but had moved to look out through a small hole in the wall.

"Now you understand," she stated without looking over her shoulder.

I understood, but I wasn't sure it was what Helene wanted to hear. "You could have told me," I replied carefully.

"Would you have listened?" Helene turned slowly. Her eyes bore into me as if she tried to read my soul. "Would you have believed me?"

Not in amillionlifetimes. Still, I chewed my bottom lip in contemplation for a moment. "I suppose not." I let my lip go and added, "But you couldn't be sure of that."

Helene's eyes flicked to Luther and back. "Most dare not take that leap of faith. We dare not take that risk. Time is running short. He gets weaker each time we speak to him." Her expression softened. She talked about him as though he were a lover, or something more.

I nodded. "I sensed that." That would explain why he trailed off mid-sentence. I would love to know what he tried to say. Had they heard the same words? I suspected not; they were directed at me.

Luther nodded, his brow creased with concern. His expression was no less awed than Helene's. "It's troubling, but we're confident we can work as quickly as we need to, now you're here."

"Yes, but we have no time to waste." Helene rubbed her hands together, then laced her fingers and held them in front of her. "We must begin as soon as we've rested."

I crossed my arms over my chest. My gaze went from one to the other and back. I saw the absolute certainty on their faces. They had worked, perhaps for years, and with me there, they were closer than ever. "Are yousureI can help you?" I asked slowly.

Helene's eyes opened in surprise, then narrowed. "There can be no doubt. Our power is almost enough. With three, we will succeed."

"Why me?" I asked. "Luther said there were others."

"They are not strong enough," Helene said curtly.

"Not strong enough or… You asked and they said fuck nope?" I said. That explained the whole abduction thing. I was just the unlucky one, not their first option.

Helene's face turned pink and for a moment I thought she'd lash out.

I drew as much power as I could, but the strange smell in the room made the power feel tainted, heavy.

"I do not need you to have a tongue," Helene snapped. "You will cooperate or we will break you. Nothing must stand in my way."