I slumped against the wall and trembled. He was right, but I hated that fact. I wanted to hate him, but I understood what he tried to do. It was my job to take care of the people left on the ship, especially the former hosts. I needed to focus on them, not myself.
By the time I stepped out of the room, there was no sign of J'avet. I ran my fingers through my hair and hurried off to the infirmary. I had to put my faith in Zarex, Slek and even the chance Danec would turn up in the infirmary. Deep down though, I knew theChimerawas armed with lasers and every reason to use them against the pod.
The infirmary was bustling when I stepped inside. To my relief, one of the doctors stood beside a bed, speaking to a young man with wide eyes and wet cheeks.
I half expected to see Mazic or even Kalvix, but both were gone. Both victims of the Iri and the rogue Freytauri who wanted the nanobots eradicated. In retrospect, the rogues had a good point. Perhaps we should have listened to them. They didn't give us the chance, but still…
Every so often, crew would enter, carrying bodies into the morgue. That would be full soon, if it wasn't already. I thought about looking for Danec, but before I could take a step, I spotted the young woman from the mess, and Brinley, who sat by her bed. They had their heads together and were talking in low voices.
Brinley laughed and the Freytauri woman smiled.
As I approached, Brinley looked up and grinned.
"Edie! This is Harva. I was just telling her how good chocolate is."
"It really is," I agreed. "I'll have to see if I can find you some." I could do with a block or two myself, and a bottle of vodka. Not necessarily in that order.
"I should look at your head," I said to Brinley.
"I feel fine," she replied.
I arched an eyebrow at her. "Are you going to be a difficult patient?"
"Would I dare?" she asked, rising to her feet.
"Without a doubt," I teased. "Come on, let me take a quick look."
"You can take a long look," a voice said in my ear.
I turned and threw myself into Slek's arms. I told him about Danec. He held me and rubbed my back while he listened.
"We know where they're going," he said. "The IF will send people after them."
"We're people," I pointed out.
"That we are," he agreed. "See to Brinley. TheChimerashould be here within the hour."
I nodded. I wanted to be there when it did. I nodded to know if they'd seen the pod. If they'd…
I couldn't think about that. Danec had to be okay. Whatever happened, we'd find him and rid him of the parasites once and for all.
I waved Brinley over to a chair and checked her head. There was no sign of fresh blood, but it would take time to fully heal.
"You should rest," I said finally.
"So should you." She put a hand on my arm. "We've all been through a lot."
"Danec most of all," I said.
"I almost became a host," Slek said as he flopped into the chair beside Brinley.
"Almost doesn't count," she told him.
He pretended to be offended. "Of course it does. They took my blood, the fiends."
Brinley smiled. "You must be traumatised."
"I am," he agreed.