"Right." It was strange to think a few months ago, I had nothing but work and me time. I had friends, but we mostly spoke for a few minutes via vidscreen when they weren't too busy with their own work, partners and children. Now I had three hot guys who were into me. I might take the time later to wonder why. In the meantime, I opened the infirmary door and waved the guys inside.

"You know the drill," I told Slek.

Doctor Mazic was off to the side, tending to a woman with a deep cut across the palm of her hand. Another nurse hovered at her shoulder, ready with bandages to help stem the flow of blood.

This was the kind of thing I expected to face day to day in my job, not nanobots and murderous alien species. At least life was never dull.

I turned on the scanner and let it do its thing. Slek lay on his back, hands under his head, eyes toward the ceiling. He whistled off-key as though he wasn't even slightly scared. The hint of fear in his eyes said otherwise.

"I was right," Zarex remarked.

I twitched at the sudden sound of his voice. "Right about what?" My heart pounded so hard it hurt.

"His single cock is bigger than mine."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't contain a slight smile at his attempt to lighten the moment.

"Men," I said under my breath. I glanced toward the screen which showed Danec apparently asleep. He looked so peaceful like that, so untroubled. His leg jerked and he shifted. Dreaming, I assumed. I hoped it was a sweet dream. He jerked again and lay still.

"So, what's the verdict?" Slek asked. "Am I bot-free?"

My attention shot back to the scanner in front of me. "It's not seeing any," I said, relieved. "Just some bones which have been broken, but have healed." I knew about his arms, but his ribs had taken a battering in the past, as had one leg.

"Reckless youth," he said. "Lucky I have you now to save me from myself."

"Luckily she has me to save her from you," Zarex quipped.

Slek stuck out his tongue at Zarex.

"Is that any way to treat a superior officer?" Zarex asked.

Slek grinned. "I wouldn't do that to my superior, but I'm not in GASP."

"Just as well, or I'll have to have you court martialed ."

I gestured for Zarex to lie down when Slek vacated the scanner bed.

The scanner restarted.

I will not look at his cocks,I told myself.I will not look at his—

My eyes widened. He didn't so much have two, as one which split above the base, like Slek and Danec's tongues. Individually, they weren't as thick as Slek's, they were right there, but it still looked like a ton of fun.

I blushed bright red when I realised both guys were watching me.

"I can't see anything so far," I said. I cleared my throat and tried to push my professional face into place. Considering how hot my face felt, I wasn't sure I succeeded.

I caught a glimpse of something on the screen and stopped the scanner to check again.

"You have a pacemaker," I remarked.

"Reckless youth." He gave Slek a smile. "Actually, it's genetic. My family all have bad hearts. I've had that, or a variation of it, since I was three."

"Oh. Well, it's better than nanobots," I said.

"There are certainly better things to have inside you than those," Zarex remarked.

Slek chuckled. "I like this guy."