We locked eyes in a fierce, intense gaze more intimate than any touch or embrace. In that glance, I saw the depth of his feelings and I know he saw mine.

He licked his lips and slid back into me. This time his thrusts were slower, more deliberate. He wanted, needed to take his time, to let us enjoy each other.

I wasn't sure I could last much longer, but I closed my eyes and savoured the feeling of him sliding out and pounding back in.

The pressure built like a volcano, hot and wet, threatening to blow.

"I'm going to come," I panted.

"So am I." He sounded barely able to speak coherently, like making words was a struggle.

With a cry, I gave in to the whirlpool of desire which whipped me around in a frenzy of pounding blood and pleasure.

He gave his own cry, lower than mine, and thrust furiously. He stilled and I felt his heat rush through me. The warmth made my orgasm last longer and linger in my belly and toes.

I opened my eyes a crack and looked at his face, his mouth opened as he came. A rictus of pleasure and pain, I wanted to capture this moment forever.

He let out a gasp, then resumed thrusting. Just as I wondered if he would come twice, like Danec had when we were intimate, he froze and grunted again.

I thought I was spent, but between his expression and the sensation of his bumps on my clit, I came again too. I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out so loud they heard it on Dendra.

I tasted blood, but it was lost in the cacophony of blood in my ears and the pure fire of my orgasm as it burnt through me without a hint of mercy. Every bit of me throbbed and tingled, ground and bucked to make it last as long as possible.

When finally it faded, it took my energy with it. I sagged like a rag doll onto the couch and Slek sagged beside me.

"Well then," he half panted, half laughed.

"I hope your first human didn't disappoint," I said, my eyes heavy.

He chuckled, low in the back of his throat. "Quite the opposite. But you would never disappoint me anyway."

"That's sweet," I murmured. "Same to you."

"Of course not," he joked. "I'm awesome."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Yes. Yes you are," I agreed. "We should probably get up from here."

"Yes." He pulled me closer and nestled down further.

"That's the opposite of getting up," I pointed out.

"Yep," he agreed. "What are you gonna do?"

Before I could respond, the sound of Danec clearing his throat came from near the door.

I flinched and raised my head.

"Um." My face heated hotter than lava. Okay, maybe not that hot, but I had hoped to dress before anyone found us. Thank all of the stars above it was him and not someone like J'avet.

"Oh, hello," Slek said brightly. "Did you find anything interesting about the nanobots?"

I blinked. He spoke like we weren't lying naked on a couch in the middle of the room.

Danec, his face blushed brighter blue, stepped closer.

"No. I mean, yes. Um…" He licked his lips. I could almost see him wondering if he should turn away or not. We were seeing each other, and sleeping together too, but this whole situation was new to all of us.

I saved him the confusion by sitting up and grabbing my shirt. I pulled it over my head and tugged it down to my thighs. It would do for now.