A few moments later, the large screen on the wall snapped to life.

"This is the IF vesselChimera." Yaranin's voice came over the speaker.

"Sir, there are no life signs," another voice said.

"Commander Zarex said to expect that," Yaranin said. "See if you can open communications anyway."

"Yes, sir."

The vision on the screen changed from black to the dimly lit interior of a pod. Two silver-skinned figures sat in the seats in the cockpit. Four more were arrayed behind them.

My heart stopped.

Danec stood on the right side of the screen, face blank. His glazed eyes stared straight ahead. If I didn't know this was a recording, I would think he was looking at me. Watching me. Trying to communicate with me.

A breath caught in my throat.

I found Slek's hand on my shoulder. I covered it with mine.

I only half listened to the conversation. Mostly I just felt sick. I should have tried to reach Danec when he was still onboardHalcyon.I could have talked to him, reasoned with him, or knocked him out cold and dragged his cute little ass with us. Anything. Instead, I'd run, looking after my cute little ass instead. I sucked. I swallowed down the need to vomit. I couldn't even take pleasure from imagining puking on J'avet's boots. All of that seemed so fucking petty right now.

I licked my lips and caught the end of the communication.

"We will not surrender. Iritauri will… all will be hosts…"

The screen flickered and went black.

"They've passed out of IF space, sir. Should we pursue?"

The message ended.

"Are you okay?" Slek whispered.

I shook my head. "I'll be okay when we get him back."

"Captain Yaranin," J'avet said, "the bridge is set up for a briefing."

Cleared of the bridge crew's bodies,you mean,I thought bitterly. He spoke like their lives had no meaning at all. Like they weren't even people. I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to punch myself more, for not doing enough. Okay, I don't know what more I could have done, that wouldn't have ended with me dead too, but that didn't take away from my current self loathing. Survivor's guilt. Whatever.

"Engineer Slek, can you brief theAthena'screw on the method you used to gain control of the nanobots?" J'avet asked.

Slek shot me a lopsided grimace, but turned and nodded. "Sure. It's a skill we're all going to need to have, until they're eradicated."

"I'll ensure those who need rest get it," Zarex said. "Including me." He stifled a yawn with his fist.

"I'll speak with you later," Yaranin said. He followed J'avet from the room, accompanied by his security team and Slek.

"I'm so sorry." Zarex faced me and cupped my face in his hands. He ran a thumb over my cheek. "We'll find a way to keep him safe, I promise. You need him, so I need him. I need him to give you what I can't." He smiled slightly. "Besides, I like the guy."

"I like him too," I said softly. "The nanobots can't have him." I made what I hoped was a fierce face, but probably ended up as scary as a puppy.

Zarex smiled, but his eyes were laced with worry. "I meant what I said about getting some rest. Come on."

He wound an arm around my waist.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"My cabin," he replied, a sly expression on his green face.