"We should go down to the mess and collect the bots from the people down there," I said. Especially Danec. My heart fluttered at the idea of seeing him again, totally bot-free. He, too, would need therapy, particularly to help him come to terms with what happened to Doctor Mazic. I couldn't bring myself to blame him for it. The parasites had done it, not him. He was just an innocent, unwilling host.

"Are you giving orders now?" J'avet snapped.

I sighed. "I don't understand you," I said. "Sometimes you're almost nice, then you're an asshole again. Can you make up your mind?"

He gave me a long, intense look that made my panties want to twist into a knot and combust. Or maybe that was my clit. Or both. Or—

"I wouldn't want anyone getting too familiar," he said finally. "They might get expectations."

I snorted. "Fine, keep everyone at arm's length. It's a lonely way to be." I was guessing, but it sounded about right.

"It's a safer way to be," he stated. He turned away before I could see his expression. "Let's head to the mess."

"Didn't I already say that?" I asked. I wasn't going to give him a centimetre of leeway. If he wanted to be a dick, then so be it.

He sighed and rose. Without a glance back, he strode away.

"We'll need to get everyone to the infirmary," I said to one of the security officers, who sat shaking her head and looking in confusion at her blue skin. "When you're ready," I added.

She nodded. "I'll see to it. Once everyone is… oriented again."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "It'll be okay now. We'll get rid of the bots and the IF will make sure they can't take control of any of you again." I knew I was making a promise the IF might not be able to keep, but she nodded and seemed comforted by the words.

"I have to go and see to the others." I rose and gave her a smile before I trotted off after J'avet. With his long legs, he was probably halfway there by now, but my desire to see Danec pushed me to trot just that much more quickly. More than anything, I wanted him back to himself before the crew of theChimeraarrived. I don't know why that was important, but it was. Maybe it was simply a matter of Danec's pride.


"Where is he?"I looked around the mess full of passengers and very still Iritauri. As far as I could tell, Slek's control held them, even as far from the comms room as we were.

"He can't be far." J'avet tapped the comm panel on the wall. "We're ready."

Slek's voice came through in response. "Okay, de-botting now."

As before, the nanobots slid down from their hosts and into boxes held by me and J'avet. The passengers and crew moved to catch the freed hosts before they hit the floor. Several crashed before anyone could reach them. There were simply too many at once.

I winced each time one hit the floor and groaned. At least they were under their own control now, and broken bones mended easily enough.

"I don't see him," I said, half frantic with worry for Danec. "I'm going to check the galley." I closed my box and thrust it at J'avet, who managed to grab it before he dropped it.

I thought J'avet might argue, but I turned my back on him so I couldn't see him scowl. I didn't need his judgement right now.

I marched into the galley. "Danec?"

The place was empty except for half a tray of sandwiches which sat on the bench.

I left it there and stepped back out into the mess. Several Freytauri were sitting up now, rubbing aching heads and attempting to reorient themselves after what they'd been through. More than one looked completely confused. I wasn't sure if I hoped they remembered later what had happened, or if they were better off not knowing. Some had killed. That was something I imagine would be difficult to reconcile. I know if it was me, I would struggle with it.

I crouched beside one, a young woman in an ensign's uniform, like the one Danec wore.

"Hi," I said lightly. "Have you see Danec? Hot guy, blue skin, great ass. He should be himself again by now."

She blinked at me a couple of times and shook her head. "I think he went with the others to the pod."

My heart sank. So they did remember. Wait—the pod? Admittedly, I was part of the way to thinking that might be the case, but even now I didn't want to accept it.

I smiled. "Are you sure?"

"I— no, but I… My memory is foggy. It was like being stuck behind a curtain. I could see out a little bit, but I couldn't pull it aside. I tried, but I just—" She dissolved into tears.