Danec hesitated. "Joining the others. Making the Freytauri hosts. Modifying our programming so we're compatible with all other species."

"So, galactic domination," I said. "I don't think the IF will like that."

"The IF will be Iritauri in time," Danec said.

"You seem sure of that," I said.

"We have waited for this for a long time." He glanced around the bridge now. "Slek, you will be a host."

"I don't think so," Slek said from somewhere behind me. "I like my independence, but thanks anyway."

"You will be a host, or you will die," Danec said.

Slek stepped into my line of sight. "Back on Calig, we established that I'd rather die than be a host." He rubbed his chin. "In fact, we established that you felt the same way. I'm a really big fan of consent, and I don't think you've given it."

"Consent is irrelevant," Danec replied.

"Bullshit," Slek snapped. "Consent is everything. Danec knows that."

Danec looked confused, but shook his head. "I am Iritauri now. This is my purpose."

"A slave to the bots," Slek said. "Or whoever is controlling them. Who is that, by the way?"

I saw what he was trying to do; throw Danec off enough to reveal the origin of the nanobots, and maybe a way to stop them.

Danec paused, frozen like a computer awaiting input.

"You will all go to the mess," he said finally. "Those left alive will gather there."

"Why?" J'avet asked.

I had all but forgotten he was there.

Danec's head snapped to look at him. "That is the order. You will comply."

"Very well then," J'avet said. "Lead the way."

"No," Danec said. "You will lead. Place your blasters on the floor and move to the door." His blaster was aimed squarely at J'avet. He would use it, I had no doubt of that. The Iri had evidently established enough control over the ship they didn't feel the need to fight further unless forced to.

"Danec," I said carefully, "is Brinley okay? And Doctor Mazic?"

"Brinley is unharmed," he said, again speaking in that robotic voice. "Doctor Mazic is deceased."

I gasped. "What?"

"She tried to stop me." Was that a hint of regret in his eyes? If it was, it was a sign the real Danec was still in there. I had no idea how we'd get him back, but we had to try.

J'avet stepped past him and crouched to place his blaster on the floor at Danec's feet. He kept his eyes on the ensign the entire time.

When he rose, I let out a soft breath. I had half expected him to shoot at Danec. He was outnumbered and technically the enemy now. On the other hand, killing him might bring a bunch of Iri who would kill us. Cooperation might be the safer option right now.

Slek followed, but kept a distance from Danec. He looked nervous and confused.

I could relate to that. I wasn't sure why he hadn't been inundated by nanobots by now. Presumably they figured they had plenty of time.

Rather than crouch, Slek tossed his blaster onto the floor and hurried after J'avet.

"Ladies first," Zarex said. He placed a hand lightly on the back of my neck.