I watched Danec's perfect ass round a corner and shook my head. "I don't think that's it."
"No," Slek said lightly. "He's probably going to look up nano—" He cut off mid-sentence. "Commander Zarex," he greeted with a smile. "I didn't see you coming."
Neither had I. The green-skinned commander appeared almost out of nowhere. With scales on the side of his neck resembling a reptile, he might have the ability to slink. Or I hadn't been paying attention, distracted as I was by Danec's ass... I mean, sudden departure.
I smiled. "Good afternoon."
"Good afternoon Nurse Wright, Engineer Slek." Zarex's voice was smoother than a chocolate fountain and almost as delicious. His slow smile was the kind you might call panty dropping. His antennas, the same shade as the rest of him, bent toward me like a bow, or an attentive listener. Yeah, okay, he was hot.
"What can we do for you?" I found myself asking.
"I need some of your time," Zarex replied. His tone was self-assured, a man accustomed to giving orders and having them followed. Not in the same way J'avet insisted on obedience. People obeyed Zarex because he made peoplewantto obey him.
"Uh." I swallowed. "Me?" I, on the other hand, am not so self-assured.
Zarex smiled, a slow, almost lazy smile that made my panties want to twist under my trousers.
"Yes, you, Nurse Wright. Unless you're too busy?"
"Oh, I'm not," I said quickly. I glanced toward Slek, who was watching me, one eyebrow raised. "I mean, we were just going to watch movies, but we can do that later if it's important."
"Oh, it absolutely is," Zarex replied. "It shouldn't take too long, though. I have you back to your…movies in no time." Did he wink at Slek, or did his eye twitch?
Either way, I blushed.
"All right then, Commander. Um..." I shot Slek a glance.
Slek held up both hands. "Go ahead. I'll hunt down some popcorn and warm up the vidscreen."
I nodded. "Okay, sounds good. And don't forget, not so much salt this time."
"And more butter," Slek added.
"Yes, and that," I agreed. Popcorn was always better when it was oozing so much butter it covered my fingers and trickled down my wrist. Okay, it's not the healthiest option, but it was movie night. I could indulge this once.
"This way." Zarex gestured down the corridor, toward the command section of the station. It was generally a place someone like me wasn't allowed to go, except in the company of someone like him.
"Can you tell me what this is about?" I asked. "Am I in trouble?" Just being beside him gave me goosebumps.
"Should you be?" He gave me a slow, sly smile, his eyes half lidded.
I swallowed.
Oh yes, I should be spanked, I thought.
"No, not that I know of." My voice was slightly higher than usual. Hopefully he didn't notice my blush. More than that, I hoped he couldn't read my mind. That would be a touch embarrassing, to say the least. Although, just in case, I thought about what he could do with his tongue between my legs. "There's a first time for everything," I added. Um, what were we talking about again?
He chuckled, deep in the back of his throat. His antennas quivered with what I assumed was laughter.
"So they say," he agreed. "Often the first time can be the most memorable."
I was sure he meant it to be a completely innocent remark, but my mind took it to a whole new place. I watched him in the corner of my eye and decided his remark wasn't so innocent after all. His smile certainly wasn't.
"Um." Damn, my ability to speak seemed to have fled for a moment. "I guess so," I said finally.Lame, Edie, lame.
"Come this way." He waved toward an open door.
Okay, I knew his words were no accident this time. He was flirting, but with more subtlety than Slek. So subtle, in fact, he could easily claim he meant nothing by it at all. I would have to keep my wits about me when he was around.