"Possibly," Zarex agreed. "Engineer, infirmary. Edie can run the scan on you."
"Someone is going to need to scan me," I pointed out.
They both opened their mouths, but instead of innuendos, Slek said, "I'll scan you after you find nothing inside me."
I nodded and didn't rise to the bait. "You should be scanned too, Commander."
"And Doctor Mazic wanted me to analyse the metal in the isolation room," Slek said. He grabbed up a small tablet from a table. "We need to ascertain its suitability to be nanobot food, then assess it daily for bite marks."
I shuddered.
"You seem competent," Zarex remarked.
"I am," Slek said with no hint of modesty. "I'm sure you are too."
"I am," Zarex agreed.
I sighed. "Is this one of those, 'my dick is bigger than yours' things?"
"He would win," Slek said ruefully. "He has two."
I blinked and shook my head. "I beg your pardon? Did you say Zarex has two cocks?"
"I do," Zarex said, "but Slek's might be bigger than each of them."
I clapped my hand on my forehead. "Two cocks," I muttered. "We really need to concentrate on Danec." Buttwococks? Holy hells. I glanced at Zarex's groin, but couldn't make out two bulges. "I think I should have boned up on alien anatomy a lot more before I left Earth."
Slek chuckled. "Boned up."
Zarex grinned, but waved us toward the door. "Enough of this, you'll make me blush."
"Like hells we will," I told him. "You might make Danec blush, though."
"She's not wrong about that," Slek said. "I've never met a guy who needed corrupting—" He stopped and looked regretful for a moment before he added, "I mean, leading astray, than him."
"Yeah." I hurried my pace and walked ahead of them. If I discovered who infected Danec, I was going to punch them in the face. If they had a face. Otherwise I'd punch them in the dick. Or—somewhere it would hurt. No one deserved this, especially Danec. He was the sweetest, kindest, most loyal, with the best ass…
"Hey, Edie." Slek hurried and slipped his hand into mine. "I'm sorry, it was a bad choice of words."
"It really was." I let my hand slide out of his and crossed my arms. "This is not a joke."
"I know. I just deal with things like with, well, inappropriate humour. It's who I am."
I glanced sidelong at him. "I know. Any other time, I might laugh. Not while Danec is all alone, uncertain, scared…"
"Him, or you?" Slek asked softly.
"I…" I looked down at the floor as I walked. "All of those things, I suppose. I care about him. I don't want to lose him. Or you." I dropped my arms and accepted his hand back. "He has to be all right. We all do, you know?"
"I do know," he agreed. "Danec is the gwarpy younger brother I never had." He glanced over his shoulder. "Maybe Zarex is the big brother I never had."
"Only if you remember big brother always knows best," Zarex said lightly.
Slek snorted. "Hardly. Anyway, the point is, we're a family now. Your worries are mine. You're not alone. If I have anything to say about it, you never will be."
"Unless I want to be alone," I said firmly.
"Yes, unless that," Slek agreed. "Everyone needs some me time once in a while."