"If Selvia wishes to give them," Landu agreed.

Slek swore under his breath. "Not good enough," he snapped.

"I can do no more," Landu replied indifferently. "Selvia will say no more until we arrive in Shardu."

Now I swore, because asking her was exactly what I was planning to do next.

"And what if we don't want to go to your city, or whatever it is?" Slek asked. "We might just continue east by ourselves."

Without a word, Landu put a hand on his bow.

"Or we could just go with you to Shardu," I said quickly.

Landu lowered his hand and nodded.

"So much for friendly," I muttered. "Beware of aliens bearing gifts." We should have known them giving us food was a part of some kind of plan. Okay, I think we did know, but we were too hungry to care at the time. I could blame J'avet for letting us fall into this trap, but then I'd have to think about the asshole. My day had already taken a turn for the worst without that.

"I won't let any harm come to you," Slek promised. "If they so much as touch a hair on your head, I'll—" His face turned dark purple and eyes flashed with anger.

"You won't do anything which might get you killed," I said firmly. "We've come this far, we can deal with this."

He looked like he might argue, but he nodded and the anger faded from his features. "You're right. Danec and I and the other Freytauri will need to be especially careful. The need for vengeance can last for generations."

I hadn't thought of that. Now I did, the fruit soured in my stomach. "I hope that's not what this is about."

"If it is, we'll handle it. Just make sure you and the others get off safely."

"I always like to be safe when I get off," I assured him.

He chuckled. "Good girl. Me too." He sighed. "I hope I don't regret not asking you to suck my cock last night."

"Priorities," I teased.

He grinned. "What can I say? I've waited a long time to feel your mouth on me."

"We only met a couple of weeks ago," I pointed out.

"Did we?" he asked. "I feel as though I've known you all my life." He slung an arm over my shoulder, and didn't remove it until Brinley and Danec caught up.

We told them what Landu said, and they both frowned.

"So we're prisoners?" Brinley asked.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," I said. "They're outnumbered, but we're unarmed. So far they don't seem to want to do anything to us." If they wanted us dead, we'd be dead. "If we just go along with what they say, we might be okay."

We might also be lunch, but I didn't think that was the case. I personally didn't think I would be that tasty, but that was a matter of opinion, I suppose.

I glanced around at the weary faces around me, some looking concerned, others oblivious. Past the closest handful, I caught the look on J'avet's face. His mouth was a tight line, eyes narrowed and snapping with their usual bad temper. There was something more though. He understood the situation. If I didn't know better, I would think he had always been aware of it. I suppose he had; he was an asshole, not an idiot.

That idea made me angry. He knew, but he'd let us all walk into this anyway?

I huffed a breath through my nose. Not two minutes earlier, I pointed out we weren't armed. He'd had no choice. That realisation did nothing to make me feel better.

I shivered.

Danec put an arm around me. "It'll be all right. I won't let them do anything to you."

I gave him a watery smile for making the same promise Slek had.