J'avet massagedthe bridge of his nose with his fingertips. "Tell me again what you saw? Iritauri?"

"If you've never heard of them—" Slek started.

J'avet glared at Slek past his hand. "I've heard of them," he snapped. "Their genocide is a source of shame for the people of Freytauri, and the IF itself. Had they intervened sooner…" He waved a hand. "And you claim they're alive and well and living on Calig?"

"We don't claim anything," I said coldly. "We saw them. Spoke to them. They're as real as you." But a lot more friendly.

"Near blooming moon flowers." His tone matched mine. "A known hallucinogen."

I wanted to slap the smug look off his face. Instead, I shrugged. "We're just telling you what we saw. Believe it or don't believe it, that's up to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's late and I'm tired."

If I had a shred of sympathy for him, I might admit he looked tired too, but I didn't. I gave him a glare through narrowed eyes and stalked away to the tree where Brinley sat.

I threw myself to the ground. "He's such a motherfucking twatbag."

"I assume that's a bad thing?" Danec lowered himself down beside me.

I half snorted, half choked a laugh. "Yeah, it is."

"You'd let him near your mother?" Slek asked. Clearly he understood the irony in the comment, because he smiled and one eyebrow twitched upward.

"Over my dead body," I muttered. I lay down on my side and sighed. "We really should get some sleep."

Brinley nodded. "Yes, we should." She put her hand over a yawn.

The guys got comfortable on either side of me. Danec, who lay in front of me, gave me a smile before he closed his eyes.

Slek rested a hand on my hip.

I closed my own eyes and, for a long while, I stayed like that, but my mind spun faster than light.

What if J'avet was right, and we had imagined the Iri? It wasn't the first time I've pictured muscular, alien men. I might be horny enough to imagine bare breasted alien women too, although my taste didn't usually run that way.

I shifted my hip to get more comfortable.

"Are you all right?" Slek said right beside my ear.

I rolled over to face him. "I can't sleep," I whispered. The only sounds around us were Danec snoring softly and Brinley murmuring what sounded like coordinates in her sleep.

"Need some help?" Slek's hand slid down my hip, to my thigh.

I bit back a moan. After a moment, I bent my knee to let him slip his hand between my legs.

He moved, slow and feather-light, to brush against the front of my pants. He rubbed again, firmer this time, and tickled my neck with his tongue. Like Danec's, it was textured, enough to drive me wild.

His teeth grazed my skin, up to my chin before he claimed my mouth with his. His lips fastened on my lower lip. He sucked it gently, then gripped the skin between his teeth and bit down lightly.

He pulled away long enough to whisper, "I could eat you up." With one hand, he undid the front of my pants and pushed his fingers inside. He was a tight fit, but he found the front of my panties and rubbed with a firm, confident touch.

In a heartbeat, I was wet as hell and rocking against his fingers. I had to press my lips together to keep from screaming, or begging him for more. We lay on the edge of the group of evacuees, but still so many slept close by.

With his other hand, Slek pushed up the front of my shirt, just to the bottom of my bra. He reached in and cupped a breast. My nipple hardened against his palm.

I wanted more. So much more.

He tugged the side of my panties aside and slid the tip of his finger against my folds.