"If we do." I strained against them for a moment, then sagged. "You're right. he's not worth it." Asshole-dickehead-prick didn't cut it. He was a stone cold bully. I would be happy when I never had to see him again.

"We should keep going," I said.

The guys hesitated for a moment, then let go of my arms.

"It's not okay." I stomped in J'avet's boot tracks, which gave me some satisfaction, small and petty though it was.

"No, it's not," Brinley agreed. "You could always file a complaint later."

"With who?" I spread my hands. "Management is a bit scarce out here."

She giggled and almost forced a smile out of me. Almost.

"He has a commanding officer out there somewhere," she replied.

"General Taffin," Danec said. "She's the only human of that rank in the IF."

"Let me guess, he resents her?" I asked bitterly.

"I-I don't know," Danec admitted. His eyes widened. "Sh-she's pretty intimidating."

"Men and their fucking egos," I muttered. I didn't care what his reasoning was. His bruised ego was his problem, not mine.

"You know what," I declared, my voice a bit louder. "I'm not sharing any of my half-a-ration bar with him."

"Good for you," Slek said. His voice sounded strange enough for me to glance at him. He looked back, a deep frown on his handsome face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think we're being followed," he said softly.

"There are other evacuees—" Danec started.

"No," Slek said abruptly. "Something else. Something… I don't know."

"Evil?" I suggested.

He glanced at me and a small smile flashed across his face. "Hopefully not. Excuse me." He trotted forward to J'avet, but his movement seemed forced, tired. "I think we're being hunted," he said, loud enough to be overheard.

J'avet scowled and gave a curt nod in response. "Ensign Danec, Engineer Slek, you and Ensign Humar make your way parallel to our position. Try to get around whatever is behind us."

"And then what?" I demanded.

J'avet ignored me. "Assess the threat and report back," he said to Danec.

"Yes, sir." Danec's eyes were wide and full of regret as he glanced at me, then hurried away to the north.

Slek grimaced, but followed, a surly Humar on their tail.

"Continue on," J'avet ordered, without so much as a glance at the rest of us.

I gave Brinley a worried look. We linked arms and stepped as quickly as we could behind the commander. I hated the idea of being anywhere near him, but if something came at us, maybe I could duck fast enough that it would eat him first. That thought felt so good, I found myself smiling.

"Having fun?" Brinley asked, clearly not sure if she should tease or be concerned.

"No." I shook my head. My mouth moved, but I couldn't explain without J'avet hearing and getting pissed off even more. "It doesn't matter."

"If you say so," she replied.