J'avet nodded. "Each pod was allocated the same amount of fuel. We will all make our way there and wait." He nodded and went to sit beside Brinley, who looked exhausted. He said something about taking a break and she nodded.

She rose and came to flop down beside Danec.

"I'm sorry, I tried to be sparing, but the pod really wasn't designed for so many people, so far from a port."

"We'll be sure to evacuate somewhere more convenient next time." Slek grinned.

Brinley snorted and lay down on his abandoned pillow. "Do that," she said with a smile. "The pod is on autopilot. I should sleep for a few hours. We won't reach Calig until tomorrow morning."

"Just enough time for J'avet to decide I should take a spacewalk," I said, with a frustrated sigh. "I wish I knew why he hates me so much."

"Because you're adorable and have people who care about you?" Slek suggested. He leaned down to give me a lingering kiss on my mouth.

"Right," Danec agreed. "He's just a grumble pants."

Slek and Brinley laughed and I made a face, but managed to smile at Slek.

"Thank you for thinking I'm adorable," I told him.

"I think you are t-t-too," Danec stammered. "Adorable, I mean, not a-a grumble pants."

"I can be both," I admitted. "I'm only human."

"Hey." Slek caught my chin with his finger and lifted it so I looked him in the eyes. "There's no such thing as 'just a human.' Humans are amazing."

"Even if a human might have been responsible for this?" I asked.

When Brinley gave me a questioning look, I told her about Jones.

"Oh," she said slowly. "He's odd and angry, but to do something like this? It seems extreme."

"Yes, well, tell J'avet that." I jerked an elbow in his direction. "After you sleep," I added, when she looked like she might get up and tell him off right now.

"If he wants me to fly this pod, then he better be nice," she declared.

"Are you planning to stop?" Slek asked, his expression somewhere between teasing and genuine curiosity.

Brinley barked a throaty laugh. "Of course not. I want to get us off this pod safely as much as everyone else." She sighed loudly. "Still, I wish we could make it further. Calig is off any shipping routes. Uninhabited, deserted."

"It sounds like paradise," I said. "Jones will love it." Assuming he made it off Infinity alive.

"There's no internet," Brinley groaned.

"What?" I feigned outrage. "No cat videos?"

"Not one," she agreed. "No online shopping either. Or chatting to friends. No social media."

"This is sounding better and better," I said. "But we won't be there for long."

"Right," Slek agreed. "The IF will have a ship on the way there already. They might even arrive before we do."

"That's right," Danec agreed. "Just in time for a hot shower and warm food."

Brinley groaned. "I hadn't even thought about showers."

"I guess you never camped as a kid?" I asked.

"Hell no." She grimaced, her tongue stuck out between her teeth. "I'm a city girl through and through."