"All the time," he replied around a mouthful. "I fell over the railing right beside you."

"Ah." I glanced at it as though it might give way at any moment. "That's very… romantic." It was certainly an interesting location for a date.

"Isn't it though?" he agreed. "Scene of the crime and all."

"I thought you fell?"

"Scene of the accident, then. Actually," he looked serious for a moment, "I was nervous about coming up here. I thought if I had a good memory, it might help me when I have to get back to work. Is that weird?" The side of his mouth drew back as if he expected me to laugh.

"It's sweet," I told him. "I'm glad I could help in some way."

He blinked in surprise, then fist pumped the air. "I've never been called sweet before."

I laughed. "Don't let it go to your head too much."

"Which head?" he shot back immediately.

"Either," I replied firmly. Silence fell for a moment before I said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Anything," he said. "If you're going to ask if you can suck my cock, the answer is yes."

"I wasn't," I replied. I ignored his pout and said, "I know a guy, a friend, who is also from Frey-T. He seems a lot more, uh, innocent than you. His knowledge of humans comes from a vidscreen."

"Mine comes from being on the Infinity for a few years," Slek replied easily. "And fucking a number of them."

"I see." I should have known what his response would be. "You've been with a few of us?"

"Well…" He drew out the word.

"One or two?" I cocked my head.


"Slek?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What? Zero is a number," he said sheepishly. "I have interacted with a lot of humans and tried to sleep with the pretty ones, okay?"

I shrugged. "Okay, but why not be honest about it?"

"I have a reputation to uphold. What would people think?"

"I don't know, does it really matter what they think?" I creased my brow and watched him intently.

He hesitated. "I guess not." He paused again before he added, "I care what you think."

"Because you want to sleep with me?" I finished my last bite of sandwich and washed it down.

"No," he said firmly. "I mean yes, I do, but I care what you think because I like you. Most humans are kinda dull and..." he grinned, "puny. But you're cute and funny and smart. And—"

"Yes?" Did I really want to know what he had to add?

"No one on Frey-T, or most of the planets I know, have curly hair. It's..." He cocked his head. "It's special."

I put a hand to my hair and blushed furiously. "You think so?"

"I know so," he said. "What a fascinating shade of pink your skin has become. Are you part Parvoran, by any chance? Wait, no, you don't seem furry enough. Not in any places I've seen yet, anyway."

I blushed harder. "I'm one hundred percent human," I muttered. "And not furry, except where I'm meant to have fur. I mean my eyebrows," I added quickly.