"I hope so," I said, "because I really need a shower and change of clothes. And a hairbrush." My hair must look like a bird's nest had an argument with a squirrel.

"We'll show you to your quarters," one of the security officers said. The way he looked at me suggested we weren't trusted yet. I was too tired to think why, or what it might mean. I just nodded, took Danec's hand, and followed them out the door.

Before it closed behind us, I glanced back to see Zarex's eyes squarely at me. He looked away the moment he saw me notice.

I shrugged it off as nothing. To Slek, I gave a smile and a wave, then the door closed between us.

"It's not far." Both of the security officers were Parvoran. In spite of their lack of smiles, they both seemed friendlier than J'avet. It must be just him then, who was a grumpy pants.

I rubbed my weary brow with the tip of my fingers and said, "I've never seen a female Parvoran. Are there any?" That sounded rude, even to my ears, but I was tired and my diplomacy needed a polish as much as I did.

"There are many," one of them said. He had a pleasant face, like he smiled often. "They remain on Parvora."

"All of them?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes indeed." He had clearly fielded this question before. "As is their place."

"Oh. I see." Was that why J'avet didn't like me? Because I hadn't stayed home? I smirked to myself. If that was the case, he was shit out of luck. I still planned to go to Agus and continue my study. Nothing he said or did could change that.

"They prefer it that way," the other guard added. "Fewer men to inconvenience them."

"Right." I was sure some of them would agree. Goodness knows plenty of human women have wanted just that since the dawn of time, but plenty didn't. Men, after all, have cocks. Those come in handy from time to time.

The security officers exchanged glances, but neither seemed bothered by my response. It was their culture, they could live it however they wanted, but I wasn't my cup of tea.

We stopped in front of a set of doors which slid open at the press of a button on the wall.

"You're free to come and go, but we'll accompany you until the captain says otherwise," one of the officers said. "It's just a precaution after what happened with Infinity and Artemis."

Was that the name of the ship the rogues destroyed, which sent chunks raining down on Calig? I spared a thought for her crew, caught up in an old war that had nothing to do with them.

I nodded. "Fine. We only plan to rest."

The officer nodded. "I'll have food sent."

We stepped inside and the door closed behind us.

The room we were in was as small as one might expect on a ship. Down one side were cubicles, each containing a bed and set of drawers. Down the other was a table and a long bench under the wide window. A door to the rear led to a bathroom, with four shower stalls and four unisex toilets. Two sinks occupied a space in the corner. Beside that was a set of shelves full of clothing, with the size marked on each shelf.

A quick glance showed they even had my size.

"I'm going to have a shower," I said. I hesitated for a moment before I added, "Do you want to join me?" With a trembling hand, I laced my little finger in his.

Danec's eyes lit up like all of his festive celebrations had come as once. "Yes," he said immediately. His face turned darker blue. "I mean, that would be great."

"Great," I said too. Suddenly shy, I turned my back, stepped into a shower cubicle and stripped off my clothes.

He followed me in and closed and locked the door behind us.

I heard him undress and saw his clothes join mine in a pile on the floor. Without turning around, I waved my palm over the sensor to start the water.

Always warm straight away, the spray on my skin made me sigh.

"That feels so good," I said.

"You look so good," Danec said.

I turned slowly then, to face him.