I immediately felt bad for laughing at him. We were all in this together, or at least we should be. Later, I might seek him out, to see if he was okay, but I would give him time to calm down first.

"Do you still want to have dinner with me?" Danec asked. He gave me a shy, uncertain smile.

Those backflips in my stomach were back. I'm sure it was a coincidence they happened whenever he spoke to me.

My mouth was suddenly dry, but I managed to say, "Yes. I'm looking forward to it." I moistened my lips with my tongue and added, "I feel like maybe I should tell you all the groin-related words and when to avoid using them."

"I would welcome any education you could give me." He nodded vigorously, eyes wide with excitement.

"Lucky girl," Brinley murmured.

I glanced at her and blushed. I didn't think that was what he meant. At least, I was almost sure.

"Um, so I'll meet you back here in..." I pulled up my sleeve so I could see the face of my watch. "Two hours?"

"Yes." He checked his own watch, a newer version of mine. He must have some credits if he could afford it. Not that I cared about his credit account balance. He was sweet and seemed genuine. And the trapeze in my belly must mean something.

"I should go," he said regretfully. "I have to catch up on my studies."

"Three cheers for free, intergalactic internet," I said, if only to keep him there a few moments longer. The internet was still used for the same things it had always been used for: studying, cat videos, and porn. These days the cats were more interesting, like the Parvoran cheetah, with its two tails and distinctive purr. And the Blarvian Watercat, with their gills and fishlike tail.

The porn, well I'd never been one to partake. I preferred to make my own experiences. Which brought me back to the present moment.

Danec's eyes lingered on mine before he smiled and turned away.

"He has a cute ass and everything." Brinley sighed. "Can you ask if he has a brother?"

"I'm sure there will be plenty of guys on Agus," I assured her. "Or girls. Or whatever you're into." The IF was diverse in ways humans wouldn't have imagined a hundred years ago. Some worlds had multiple genders. Some, like Blarvius, had the reproductive abilities of males and females, so they could have their own children if they wanted to. A handy skill, I guess.

"I'm into people with brains," Brinley replied firmly. "And a sense of humour. It wouldn't hurt if they just happen to be cute as well. Danec certainly is."

"That he is," I agreed. And he wanted to share dinner with me. Me.

"I suppose I should shower and start getting ready," I said uncertainly. How seriously should I take this? Fancy hair, makeup, and everything, or casual and without too many expectations? Oh, who was I kidding, it would take me two hours to untangle my hair. I should start on that right now.

And think about what to wear.


"Do you want some company while you get ready?" Brinley asked. "I just got the latest episodes of Darker Side of Parvora on IF-View."

I managed to hold back a squeal. "That's my favourite show. Right along with The Real Domewives of Garvi-3."

Brinley snorted and offered me her arm. "You know none of that is real, right?"

"Of course, but that's half the fun." Really, if I had that many credits in my account, I'd probably find more useful things to do with my time, but it was just a Vid show.

"It's definitely better than Keeping Up With the Centaurians." Did people really believe what went on on that show?

"That's true," Brinley agreed. "Can you believe some people dyed their skin yellow, just to look like them? Folks do the strangest things."

I laughed and walked out of the mess hall with her. Just outside, the station opened out into a large space that led to the hangar. Across on the other side, a sulky figure stood alone. Jones turned and looked at me as though his eyes might pierce a hole. Nothing about him suggested he'd welcome a chat from me, even if I was just being nice.

I looked back, my gaze unwavering, until we moved into the corridor which led to the living quarters. I put him out of my mind as best I could, but I felt as though his gaze was bored into my skin.