"But what?" I asked.

"If you choose him, please tell me. And if you need… Want… I'm here too. I might not be as experienced as Slek," he blushed, "but I can learn."

My heart melted a little more. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in to kiss his cheek. At the last moment, he turned his face and my lips grazed lightly over his.

"If J'avet sees—" I started.

"If he doesn't like it, I'll quit," Danec growled. "You're more important to me than the GASP."

Now I blushed. "Don't throw your career away because of me," I told him. "What would you do anyway?"

He shrugged. "I could work cataloguing the IF database of books. Don't worry about me, I'll work out something."

"In the meantime, we should hand out more fruit." I leaned to pick up the basket and we walked around the group of evacuees until it was empty. Once or twice I caught J'avet watching me, but I pretended not to notice. We'd be off this planet and away from him soon enough.

I hoped.

"All right," J'avet called out suddenly. "Finish stuffing your faces and prepare to make your way out of camp in an orderly fashion. Follow the Iritauri leader." He said the words like they left a bitter taste in his mouth. Was he still angry with me because he'd said we hadn't seen the Iri, only to be proven very wrong? If so, then he would have to get over himself, whether he liked it or not.