I put my hand up as a sign to wait, but Selvia and Landu, eyes wide, ducked back down and all of the eyes melted away.

"Oops, sorry," Slek said. "I didn't realise there was anyone here." He peered toward the bushes, but they fell still. The Iri were well and truly gone.

I sighed and told him about the encounter.

"Iritauri," he said in wonder. "I thought they were extinct. Bare breasts, did you say? That's a local clothing tradition I could get behind." He eyed me speculatively.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I would say you first, but you'd have your shirt off before I could blink."

"If you did it too, I would," he replied. "I thought you two had come over here to go skinny dipping." He didn't seem bothered that I might swim naked with another man.

"We came to see the flowers," Danec said. "Do you think we should follow them?"

I peered into the darkness. "I hate to say it, but I think we need to tell J'avet."

"After we skinny dip?" Slek asked.

"Instead of that," I said regretfully.

Slek and Danec both sighed. I did the same a moment later. Here I was, beside a stunning lake, on an alien world, with two guys hotter than the nearest sun, both of whom wanted to get naked with me, and I was going to report to the leader of our group instead.

I must be crazy, at least a bit. At this point, I might come if one of them looked at me the right way.

"Come on, we should get back," I said. "Before he thinks we deserted and decides to have us all arrested." Good luck with that, since we had no security officers with us, but once we got off Calig, that would change. There was no point in giving him another excuse to be an asshole.

Slek slipped his hand into one of mine and Danec took the other. They shared a look, which seemed to be an understanding of some kind. They would respect me and my wishes until I decided between them.

If I did. That might be harder than getting off this planet. How could I possibly make a choice between two guys I was falling for?