I considered my next words, and went with a gentle tease, in the hope it might defuse the situation somewhat.

"That's really dorky. Maybe you should take a break once in a while."

He snorted. "Yeah, that's what my father used to say before he worked himself to death."

"Oh." So much for making things better. "I'm sorry. That must have been difficult."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose with one finger. "I guess. I hardly saw him, so it's no great loss, I guess."

"I don't know, it hurts to lose someone you love." I spoke from experience, but only older, frail and not well known aunts and uncles. It still stung each time.

"Yeah, I guess. Do you want to get a coffee?" His expression was so guarded, I couldn't tell if he hoped I'd say no or yes.

"I really can't," I said regretfully. "It's been a long shift and I need to grab a sandwich and some sleep."

He seemed indifferent to my response, but at least he didn't get angry again.

"Fine. Another time maybe."

"Sure. I need a coffee quite often. If I see you in the mess, I'll say hi. Or, you know, if I see you skulking around the corridors."

Anger flashed in his eyes for a moment. "I wasn't—" He must have realised I was teasing because he stopped and sucked in a breath. "You're joking. Sorry, sometimes I just…"

"It's okay." I put a hand lightly on his shoulder, but drew it back when he frowned at it. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. Or one of the doctors."

"I don't need their help," he snapped. He rubbed the bridge of his nose again. "I should go."

"Yeah." I stepped back away from him and let him stalk past me, back down the corridor. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah," he said over his shoulder. "Later."

He disappeared around the corner and was gone.

It wasn't until I turned back in the direction of my room that I realised his file hadn't said anything about his father dying.