I brought up Slek's file and Jones' and sat them side by side. If anyone came, I could hide Jones' before anyone saw.

I started there though, and read quickly. As far as I could tell, Jones had a normal childhood. The usual broken bone from falling off a hoverboard. Childhood fevers, ear infections, a cochlear implant to improve his hearing. Treatment for depression and anxiety. That had stopped a year before, after at least five years of steady treatment. The last letter from his doctor stated she had suggested more visits, but nothing in the file stood out. Nothing to suggest he was anything out of the ordinary.

I shrugged to myself and closed the file just as Kalvix walked back into the infirmary.

"How is our patient?" she asked in a tone that suggested she didn't think I'd been capable of handling him.

"He's fine, thank you, Doctor," I replied as I typed in updates. "His needs were—" I cast a sly glance toward the cubicle, "small."

"Small, my ass," Slek called out.

I chuckled.

Kalvix smiled. "You might do well here yet. He's been troubling us all over several—small issues."

"I feel ganged up on," Slek said.

I grinned. "He seems to be healing well at least. He won't be a big problem for too much longer."

"That's better." Slek sounded smug. "I can't wait to get out of here."

Kalvix smiled wryly. "No one will be happier than I will."

I wondered if he had asked her out too. It was his business, his and hers, but I couldn't help but be curious. He seemed like the kind of guy to grab every opportunity he could as often as he could. I usually avoided players, but it was only one date. How could it hurt, right?

I clicked save on his file and closed it. Thankfully Kalvix hadn't seemed to have noticed my slightly guilty look, or my distraction. I forced myself to focus, but the matter of Jones stuck in the back of my mind.