Miss Locke held his gaze for a long moment before a blush came to her cheeks. “I should be going,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at the maid trailing behind her. “I hope to see you around town.”

“As do I.”

As he watched Miss Locke walk down the pavement, Hawthorne asked, “We are chopping wood for a stranger now?”

“It would appear so.”

“And why couldn’t Miss Locke send one of her footmen?”

“Because I am more than capable of completing that menial task.”

“I see,” Hawthorne said, “and it isn’t because you are smitten by her?”

“That has nothing to do with this.” He resumed walking, not bothering to continue this tedious conversation with Hawthorne.

“You’d better stay outside, since Burke doesn’t know you,” Guy told Hawthorne once they arrived at the blacksmith shop.

“If you think that is best,” Hawthorne replied. “I will be at the general store.”

Guy tipped his head before he stepped inside and waited to be acknowledged.

The man behind the counter glanced up. “What can I help you with?”

“I was hoping to speak to Burke,” Guy replied.

The man gestured towards the back door. “Go on back.”

“Thank you.”

Guy went through and saw Burke standing near the hearth. He glanced over at him and a smile came to his face.

“What are you doing here, Stewart?” Burke asked as he took off his thick gloves.

“I came to see if you received word on when the strike will be.”

Burke nodded. “I did,” he replied. “The strike is being held in two weeks’ time.”


“With any luck, these strikes will force the owners to make some drastic changes to how they treat their workers.”

“It will work.”

Burke gave him an approving nod. “Join us tonight for our meeting at the coffeehouse.”

“I will be there.”

“I knew I could count on you.”

Guy internally winced at Burke’s praise. He believed in their vision, but he was an agent of the Crown. His job was to uphold the Crown’s values, not stand with the people.

Daphne had justdescended the stairs when Phineas stuck his head out from the drawing room. “May I have a word with you, Cousin?”

“You may,” she replied, instantly dreading the upcoming conversation. She had no doubt her cousin was irritated by something she had done.

She followed him into the drawing room and watched as he started pacing with an annoyed look on his face.

“Why did you intervene between me and Sarah?” he demanded, advancing towards her.