“I was there when they brought up the dead,” Guy shared, his voice reflective. “I saw the lifeless bodies and heard the cries of their loved ones.”

Hawthorne grew solemn. “That must have been hard.”

“It was, and it made me realize that changes must be made at the coal mines.”

“I agree, but it is still illegal to form a trade union,” Hawthorne said. “You can’t let your emotions get in your way of your duty to the Crown.”

“I have no intention to.”

“That is good.”

Guy took a sip of his drink. “I used to look at the world like it was black or white, right or wrong. But now, I realize that there are many grey areas.”

“You don’t have that luxury as an agent.”

“I know, I am just grappling with what I saw at the mine,” Guy admitted. “It was a horrific sight.”

“I have no doubt about that, but this is what you signed up for.”

“I did, and I have no regrets,” Guy said. “I have every intention of seeing this assignment through.”

“Did you determine how the trade unions are communicating?”

“Yes,” he replied. “Every week, someone rides in and delivers a note to the leader of this trade union.”

“Have you cut off their line of communication?”

“Not yet,” Guy said, “but I intend to this evening.”

The serving woman approached the table again and set two bowls of soup in front of them. “Can I get ye anything else?”

“No, thank you,” Hawthorne replied.

After the woman walked away, Guy shared, “I intend to stake out the main road this evening in hopes of intercepting the messenger. Would you care to join me?”

“You need to ask?”

Guy picked up his spoon and took a sip of his soup. “Once we discover who the messenger is, we can force him to tell us what he knows. With a little persuasion, I’m hoping we can get him to turn on his co-conspirators.”

“Ah,” Hawthorne said, “an interrogation. I do love those.”

“Hopefully, this case will be wrapped up this evening and we can return home tomorrow.”

Hawthorne lifted his brow. “Is that what you wish?”

“Why would you ask that?”

“Would you be willing to walk away from this Miss Locke?”

Guy tried to hide the displeasure from his features. He didn’t want to leave Miss Locke, but he had no choice. He knew there could be no future between them. “I would.”

“I can’t help but notice that you seem enamored by this young woman.”

“Why do you say that?”

Hawthorne smirked. “You smile when you talk about her.”

“I do not.”