“I can imagine.”

His eyes roamed the countryside. “Are we still on your grandmother’s land?”

“No, we are not.” She pointed towards a tree in the distance. “That tree is where my grandmother’s land begins.”

“I am surprised you are allowed to leave her lands.”

“Anmore is a safe town,” Daphne stated. “Besides, she is adamant that I take two grooms along on my ride.”

“Your grandmother must be worried about your safety.”

“She is, but she is more concerned that I might get upended off my horse again.”

“With good reason.”

Daphne met his gaze. “I know this might sound odd,” she hesitated, “but what if the burr was intentionally placed under my saddle?”

“You think someone deliberately put it there?”

She glanced over her shoulder and lowered her voice. “I know it sounds foolish, but I can’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t an accident.”

“It doesn’t sound foolish,” Mr. Stewart replied. “You should never discount your instincts. It has saved me many times over the years.”

“As a banker?”

He cleared his throat. “Yes, as a banker.”

“I shouldn’t have said anything, especially since I have no proof.”

“Who do you think might have been behind it?”

Daphne pressed her lips together. “Doesn’t it seem odd that Phineas arrives, and it happens shortly thereafter?”

“Do you have any reason to distrust Phineas?”

She let out a puff of air. “I don’t trust Phineas further than I can throw him.”

“That wouldn’t be very far.”

“Precisely my point,” she replied.

“But do you believe he is capable of hurting you?”

Daphne considered his words for a moment. “Phineas is a despicable cad, but I don’t believe he would intentionally try to hurt me.”

“That is a relief to know.”

“Besides, we are family,” she said. “Every family has an interesting relationship, do they not?”

“I suppose so.”

“Phineas even suggested that I go to London with him for the Season,” she shared. “He said with my inheritance, I could marry a man with a title.”

Mr. Stewart visibly tensed. “Are you seeking a title?”

“I am not,” she replied. “Furthermore, I have no desire to go anywhere with Phineas.”

“Do you not participate in the London Season?”