“You are being terribly unfair to Mr. Stewart,” Daphne contended. “He has made something of himself.”
Phineas scoffed. “Yes, he is a banker,” he mocked. “How can I forget that trivial detail?”
They all grew quiet as Sarah stepped into the room with a tray, which she set on the table.
“Would you care for me to pour, milady?” she asked.
Grandmother shook her head. “That won’t be necessary, Sarah.”
As Sarah moved towards the door, Phineas reached out and took her hand, eliciting a giggle out of the young maid’s mouth. He whispered something before releasing her hand with a smile on his lips. Sarah hurried out of the room.
Grandmother shook her head in disapproval. “I do wish you would refrain from flirting with my staff.”
“Why is that?” Phineas asked.
“Because you do not want to give that girl any hope that there is a future between you two,” their grandmother replied.
Phineas yawned. “Susannah knows it is only a flirtation.”
Daphne frowned. “Her name is Sarah.”
“No,” he replied. “I am pretty sure it is Susannah. Or perhaps it was Sophia.”
“I can assure you that it is Sarah,” Daphne pressed.
Phineas put a hand to his forehead. “You would be wrong. I shall ask her the next time we speak.”
“And when will that be?” Daphne asked.
“I am not entirely sure.”
“Will you be meeting in a closet again?”
Phineas dropped his hand. “It should not matter to you where I meet with Sophia.”
“Again, it is Sarah.”
“Maybe,” he replied. “But we discovered the downstairs closet does not offer us enough privacy.”
“You will ruin this girl, if you haven’t already.”
Phineas gave her a smug smile. “A gentleman never reveals his conquests.”
“If you can’t keep your pants buttoned, then I suggest you leave the manor at once,” Grandmother interjected sternly.
Phineas’ brow lifted. “I shall keep that in mind, Grandmother.”
“See that you do, because I will only issue that warning once.”
“Understood.” Phineas rose and staggered back. “It is time for me to get some rest.”
After he left the room, Daphne turned her attention towards her grandmother. “He is insufferable.”
Her grandmother just gave her a weak smile in response.
Barrow stepped into the room and announced, “Mr. Huxley is here to call upon you, Miss Locke.”
“Botheration,” she muttered under her breath.