“I have been teased about my spectacles ever since I was a little girl,” she admitted. “I have learned how to make do without them, but it still hurts to hear the whispers.”

“I understand how you feel. I was constantly tormented at Eton by the other boys until I learned to fight back.”

“Are you proposing I engage in fisticuffs?” she teased.

He chuckled. “I am not,” he replied. “Our differences are what make us special.”

Miss Locke pushed the spectacles higher up on her nose. “I just wish I didn’t have to wear something hideous on my face.”

“You are perfect just the way you are,” he said, “spectacles and all.”

A shy smile came to her face. “You are too kind.”

He reluctantly tore his gaze away from her and focused on the sheet music, which was a piece he recognized. “Would you like me to accompany you?”

“You are a far better player,” she remarked. “Why don’t I accompany you?”

“I would rather hear you play.”

Miss Locke placed her hands on the keys and started playing. After a few moments, he joined in, and they began to play together. Occasionally, their fingers would brush up against one another, and he felt a jolt of awareness at the touch. Never had he reacted to a young woman in such a fashion before.

“That was beautiful,” Lady Frances declared as they removed their fingers from the keys. He had been so distracted playing with Miss Locke that he had failed to notice Lady Frances had entered the room.

“Thank you.” Guy quickly rose and extended his hand to assist Miss Locke in rising.

Phineas was leaning against the doorway, an annoyed look on his face. “I see that some things never change.”

“What are you referring to?” Lady Frances asked.

“I just find it odd that Mr. Stewart is proficient at the pianoforte,” Phineas said with a slight shrug.

“Why do you say that?” Miss Locke asked.

“It is primarily used for women’s entertainment,” Phineas remarked.

Miss Locke visibly tensed. “You are being rather rude to Mr. Stewart.”

Phineas gave him a smug smile. “I do apologize for implying that you are somehow less of a man for playing the pianoforte.”

“No offense taken,” Guy replied. “After all, while you were out drinking by the stream, I was doing something worthwhile.”

“That is because you were never invited,” Phineas commented.

“It never bothered me, as I had no desire to associate with you or your friends,” Guy remarked.

Fortunately, before Phineas could respond, the butler stepped into the room and announced dinner was ready.

Guy offered his arm to Miss Locke. “May I escort you in to dinner?”

“You may,” she replied as she placed her hand on his sleeve.

As they walked towards the dining room, she leaned closer to him, keeping her voice low. “I do apologize for my cousin.”

“You have no need.”

“I would like to say that he never acts this way, but I’m afraid that simply isn’t true.”

Guy patted her hand. “I am very aware of Phineas and his bullying. He has always used his words as weapons.”