“It is not, but Phineas may have some strong opinions on the matter.”

She waved her hand in front of her. “I do not concern myself with Phineas’ opinions.”

“One must wonder if you have developed an attachment to the handsome banker,” her grandmother mused.

“If you must know, Mr. Stewart and I are just friends.”

“I understand,” her grandmother said with a wink.

Daphne gave her a baffled look. “Did you just wink at me?”

“I did,” her grandmother replied. “I am just letting you know that I know.”

“What do you know, exactly?”

Her grandmother smiled. “If you don’t already know, I am not going to tell you.”

“This conversation is going in circles, and I tire of it,” Daphne said with a shake of her head.

Barrow stepped back into the drawing room. “The doctor has arrived,” he announced. “Shall I send him in?”

“Yes, please,” her grandmother said, rising, and then turned sternly to Daphne. “You will behave for the doctor.”

“Yes, Grandmother.”

Chapter Nine

Guy had justaccepted the reins from the groom when he heard Phineas’ disgruntled voice behind him. “I know what you are trying to do.”

“Which is?” Guy asked, turning to face him.

“You wish to court my cousin.”

“I am doing no such thing.”

“But it won’t work,” Phineas continued as he approached.

“Again, I have no wish to court Miss Locke.”

“Your actions prove otherwise.”

Guy frowned. “What is it that you want, Phineas?”

“I want to remind you that you are nothing, and your designs of grandeur are misplaced.”

“As usual, I have enjoyed our chats,” Guy remarked dryly, “but I am late for an appointment with Mr. Huxley.”

As he turned to leave, Phineas grabbed his sleeve. “You will stay away from my cousin,” he ordered, “or else.”

Guy shrugged off his hand. “Your threats didn’t work when we were at Eton, and they certainly aren’t going to work now.”

“If you don’t leave my cousin be, I will see to it that you are dismissed from your position at the bank.”

“I see that some things never change.”

“What would you do without your job at the bank?” Phineas asked smugly. “Perhaps you would be forced to become a brickmason like your father.”

Guy clenched his jaw. “My father worked hard for an honest wage, and he was twice the man you are.”