Miss Locke took a step closer to him and lowered her voice. “I do, on occasion, donate my pin money to help their cause.”

He felt his heart drop at the confession. “Then you are complicit.”

“Most of the people in town are calling for reform for the colliery workers,” Miss Locke said. “I am not the only one who helps advance the cause.”

Guy shook his head. “You cannot get caught up in this,” he asserted. “If you were arrested, your entire future could be in jeopardy.”

“I understand the risks, but I cannot stand by and do nothing.”

“Your feelings do you credit, and I find them admirable,” he started. “However, I would be devastated if your involvement was ever made known.”

“It won’t be,” she said.

“How can you be so sure?”

“I trust Burke and the other men involved.”

Guy frowned. “Your trust may have been misplaced,” he argued. “It has been my experience that people can turn on one another rather easily, especially when someone is risking deportation.”

Miss Locke tilted her chin stubbornly. “It is a chance I am willing to take. Besides, it is only pin money that I am contributing.”

“Do you not find it disconcerting that Burke revealed your association to them without even consulting with you?”

“I do not since I was the one that vouched for you.”

“You shouldn’t place your trust in others so easily,” Guy counseled. “There are dangerous men afoot that will take advantage of you.”

“Not in Anmore.”

“There are bad men everywhere, Miss Locke.”

“I fear that your experiences have made you cynical.”

“I will not disagree with that.” Guy’s horse whinnied, drawing his attention. “I assume that I will not be able to talk you out of this.”

“You will not.”

He eyed her curiously. “Have you always been this stubborn?”

“I have,” she replied. “It is one of my greatest faults.”

“I do not believe stubbornness is a fault, assuming you are on the right side of the fight.”

Glancing over at the stable, Miss Locke asked, “Would you care to join me for a ride?”

“I would be honored to.”

Miss Locke started walking towards the stable, and Guy matched her stride. “How did the meeting go last night?”

“It went well,” he replied. “I hope to be invited to the next one.”

She nodded in approval. “What do you hope to gain from these meetings?”

“I want to help those people at the colliery,” he said. “I have more than enough information for my report, but I want to do more.”

“I understand that sentiment.”

“I know you do.”