“No,” she said. “Not ever.”

“We shall see.”

Now it was Daphne’s turn to frown. “I do not wish to be rude, but—”

“Then don’t,” he replied, speaking over her. “Just give me a chance to woo you.”

“It will not change anything for me.”

Mr. Huxley’s eyes roamed her face, making her feel uncomfortable. “Allow me to call on you three times,” he said.

“Three visits?” she asked.

“Yes, and if you do not return my affections after my third visit, then I shall leave you be.”

She opened her mouth to object, and he pressed his finger to her lips, causing her to stiffen. “Do not waste this moment with words,” he murmured. “I shall call upon you tomorrow.” He removed his finger and started walking backwards.

It took her a moment to recover from her shock, but when she found her voice again, she said, “No.”

He just smiled in response and departed from the room.

Good heavens, she thought, what an insufferable man! She had never shown him any favor, so why did he think he could win her affection? She didn’t need three visits from him to know that she had no intention of ever marrying him.

Chapter Eight

The sound ofbooted footsteps in the hall woke Guy from his sleep. The noise stopped just outside of his door, and he reached for the pistol tucked under his pillow. He watched as another paper was slipped under his door.

He retrieved it and read:

If you betray us, you will be killed.

Another threat. He truly doubted that anyone at the coffeehouse last night would be capable of murder. None of them had a dangerous gleam in their eyes, but he would be wise not to completely dismiss them as harmless. Men tended to do desperate things when the situation warranted it.

He set the paper on the writing desk and began dressing for the day. Once he’d put his blue jacket on, he departed and headed down the stairs to the main hall.

Guy watched Henry as he swept the floor with care. The young boy glanced over and smiled at him.

“Morning, Mr. Stewart.”

“Good morning,” he replied.

Henry stopped sweeping and approached him. “Are you looking for some breakfast?”

“I am not hungry this morning, but I do need one of my horses saddled.”

Henry rested the broom against the wall. “I will see to that.”

Guy reached into his pocket and retrieved a coin. “Thank you,” he said, extending him the coin.

The boy ran off to do his bidding, and Guy sat down at one of the long, rectangular tables.

Mr. Croke stepped out of the back room. “How are ye enjoying yer accommodations?”

“Very well.”

“That pleases me to hear,” Mr. Croke replied. “How much longer do ye intend to stay?”

“I am not entirely sure.”