Phineas perused the length of him, then let out a low whistle. “Last I heard, you were working towards becoming a professor at Cambridge.”

Mr. Stewart shifted in his stance. “I’m afraid that didn’t work out, and I now work for a bank.”

“Interesting.” Phineas turned towards his grandmother and explained, “Guy and I attended Eton together.”

“How fascinating,” her grandmother said.

Phineas sat on a chair next to Mr. Stewart. “I watched one of your boxing matches, you know,” he said. “I mistakenly bet on your opponent.”

“That was most unfortunate, since I hardly ever lost,” Mr. Stewart stated.

“I was surprised to discover that you retired from boxing shortly thereafter,” Phineas remarked.

Mr. Stewart nodded. “I’m afraid my heart wasn’t in it,” he said. “I only did it to support myself while I was at university.”

A young maid walked into the room with a tray in her hands and set it on a table. “Would you care for me to pour, milady?” she asked.

“No, thank you, Sarah,” her grandmother replied. “Daphne, would you do the honors?”

Daphne nodded, and Sarah smiled before she left the room, Phineas’ eyes following her.

Daphne moved to the edge of her seat. “Would anyone care for some tea?”

“I would,” her grandmother replied.

Phineas shook his head. “I would prefer some brandy,” he said. “Do you have any?”

“I believe we have some port in the study,” his grandmother responded.

“That is terribly disappointing,” Phineas stated. “I shall have to go into town and drink at the pub, then.”

Her grandmother gave him a disapproving look. “But you only just arrived.”

“I will be back later tonight,” he said, turning his attention towards Mr. Stewart. “Would you care to join me at the pub?”

Mr. Stewart met his gaze. “I would not.”

Phineas frowned. “You are no fun, Guy,” he said. “I see that some things never change.”

“I would agree with that sentiment,” Mr. Stewart replied, rising. “If you will excuse me, it is getting late, and I have an early meeting tomorrow.”

Placing the teapot down on the tray, Daphne rose. “Allow me to see you to the door, Mr. Stewart.”

“I would appreciate that.”

As she approached him, he offered his arm, and she placed her hand on his. He led her out of the drawing room, and she leaned into him so as not to be overheard. “I’m sorry about my cousin.”

“You have no reason to be.”

“But we were supposed to play games this evening, and Phineas ruined it.”

Mr. Stewart patted her hand. “It is all right,” he replied. “I’m sure you would prefer to catch up with your cousin anyway.”

Daphne let out a puff of air. “He has no interest in me,” she admitted. “He is only here to cozy up to my grandmother.”

“That is most unfortunate.” Mr. Stewart stopped at the door and dropped his arm. “If it isn’t too much of an imposition, would you mind introducing me to Mr. Burke tomorrow?”

“I would be happy to,” she replied. “I shall meet you at the bank at noon.”