“A brickmason?” Lady Frances repeated back in surprise.

Guy nodded. “Yes, and my mother was the daughter of a solicitor.”

Lady Frances looked puzzled. “How was it that you were able to attend Cambridge, then?”

“Through hard work,” he replied. “I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship to Eton and then to Cambridge.”

“You are a self-made man,” Lady Frances said.

“I am.”

“That is an impressive feat,” Miss Locke acknowledged.

Guy met her gaze from across the table. “Not everyone feels that way,” he replied. “Members of Society can be rather cruel to someone in my position.”

“I can imagine that to be true,” Lady Frances stated.

“I am not quite part of either world, and neither one will let me forget about that,” he remarked.

“Well, I find it to be rather remarkable that you were able to rise above your station,” Lady Frances said. “That is not easily done.”

“No, it is not,” he agreed.

“I bet your mother must be very proud of you,” Miss Locke said.

“That she is, but I am afraid she is rather sick.”

Miss Locke gave him a look filled with compassion. “Have you consulted with a doctor?” she asked.

“We have, but the doctor is unsure of how to treat her.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Miss Locke murmured.

“Sadly, I am of the belief that her condition has more to do with a broken heart than a physical ailment. She misses my father most dreadfully,” Guy said. “I am afraid such a thing is untreatable.”

“What a wonderful legacy,” Lady Frances declared, “knowing that your parents loved each other to such a degree.”

“My father saw my mother walking down the street one day, and he knew that she was going to be his wife,” he shared with a smile.

“How sweet,” Miss Locke said.

“Unfortunately, my mother did not receive the same inspiration,” Guy chuckled, “and it took much wooing on my father’s part before she would even consider him as a suitor.”

“How did her parents react to a brickmason attempting to court their daughter?” Lady Frances asked.

“They were not pleased, and they fought against it. But love triumphed, and my parents married a few months later,” Guy said. “My home, albeit small, was filled with an abundance of love.”

“You mentioned a sister residing with you,” Lady Frances remarked. “Is she caring for your mother?”

“She is,” he replied. “Even though my sister may deny it, I must admit that she is much more clever than I am.”

“Is that so?” Miss Locke asked.

“She reads everything she can get her hands on,” Guy shared.

“You must have an extensive library, then,” Lady Frances reasoned.

“I’m afraid that is one area that our home is lacking.”