“That is impossible,” Daphne said. “The bank would never close that colliery.”

“Nothing is impossible,” her grandmother responded. “I daresay that you just haven’t thought of the solution yet.”

Daphne smiled at her grandmother. “Why do you have such great faith in me?”

“Why don’t you?”

“I suppose it is because women have such little say in business dealings, especially one as profitable as the coal mine.”

“That is only because you don’t speak loudly enough.”

“Perhaps, but I will continue to focus on what I can do,” Daphne said. “Despite Mr. Huxley’s objections, no one else seems to mind that I donate clothes, blankets, and food to the children.”

“Mr. Huxley and his father are fools.”

Daphne nodded in agreement. “That they are.”

“Mr. Huxley offered for me once,” her grandmother revealed.

“Which one?” Daphne joked.

Her grandmother laughed. “The elder one, but I am still twenty years older than him,” she said. “He showed up one night and brought me flowers. Then, he started reading out of a book of love poems before he offered for me.”


“It was not a night that I wish to remember.”

“What did you say to Mr. Huxley’s offer?”

Her grandmother placed the teacup back onto the tray. “I thanked him kindly for it, but I informed him that I had no intention of marrying again.”

“How did he take the rejection?”

“We haven’t spoken of it since,” her grandmother replied, smiling. “For which, I have no complaints.”

“Albert has offered for me, but I do not wish to marry him.”

“Nor should you. I highly suspect that the Huxley men are more interested in our money than in us.”

“Well said, Grandmother.”

The butler stepped into the room and announced, “Mr. Guy Stewart is here to call upon Miss Locke.”

“Mr. Stewart?” Daphne repeated.

Barrow tipped his head. “Yes, Miss,” he replied. “Would you prefer it if I turn him away?”

“No,” she rushed out. “I wish to speak to him.”

“As you wish,” Barrow acknowledged.

Her grandmother eyed her curiously. “Who is Mr. Stewart?”

“The bank hired Mr. Stewart to inspect the conditions at the colliery,” Daphne explained as she took off her spectacles and smoothed her dress.

“But why is he here?” her grandmother pressed.

“I informed him that I would speak to him about the terrible conditions the workers are forced to endure.”