“I do apologize.”

“I have instructed my driver to take you home before you depart for Anmore,” Corbyn said. “The driver and footman will remain in Anmore until you finish your assignment.”

“That is most generous of you.”

“Do not fail me on this, Stewart,” he said. “Keep me posted on what you discover and inform me at once if you need any assistance.”

“I assure you it won’t be necessary.”

Corbyn opened the door and stepped out. As he disappeared into the crowd, the coach started rolling down the street towards his house. It wasn’t long before it stopped in front of the main door and the footman stepped off his perch.

As Guy walked inside, Esther looked up from where she was sweeping the floor.

“Those are some fancy clothes,” she said, perusing the length of him.

“Thank you,” he replied. “I require the use of them for an assignment.”

Esther put the broom aside. “Are you infiltrating the House of Lords?”

“I am not.”

“The House of Commons, then?”

“Neither,” Guy replied, smiling. “I have just come to inform you that I will be gone for a few days, but it should be no longer than a week.”

“But you can’t tell me where you are going?”

He gave her an apologetic smile. “I cannot, but I do have some good news.”

“You do?”

“I received an advance on my pay, and I have more than enough to cover Mother’s medical bills.”

Esther clasped her hands together. “That is wonderful news.”

“It is,” he replied, removing a few bills from the pocket of his waistcoat. He set the money on the table. “When the doctor comes to visit, you can pay him what we owe him.”

Stepping over to the kitchen, Esther asked, “When do you need to depart?”

“I’m afraid I am on my way out, but I wanted to inform you before I left Town.”

“May I make you something to eat for the journey?”

“I would greatly appreciate that, since I could save some money by not eating at the coaching inns along the way.”

As he watched his sister busily prepare a meal for him, he asked, “How is Mother?”

“She went back to sleep after you spoke to her, and I haven’t heard a peep from her since.”

He sighed. “That is most unfortunate to hear,” he said. “I do hope she can recover from whatever it is that is troubling her.”

“The longer she remains sick, the weaker she gets.” Esther walked up to him and handed him a sandwich wrapped up in a napkin. “I know it isn’t much, but it is all we have at hand.”

“It will be sufficient.”

Esther reached up and embraced him. “Do return safe, Brother,” she urged as she stepped back. “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

“You would be just fine.”