Mr. Huxley met his gaze and surprise flickered in his eyes. “Mr. Stewart?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I am here to collect Miss Locke.”

“I’m afraid that is impossible.”

“And why do you say that?”

“Because she has agreed to be my wife.”

Miss Locke’s voice came from inside of the coach. “That is entirely untrue.” She exited the coach. “I have no desire to marry this man.”

“The woman has spoken,” Guy said, relieved that Miss Locke appeared to be unharmed. Her hair was terribly disheveled, and her riding habit was wrinkled, but she had never looked more beautiful to him as she did in this very moment.

Mr. Huxley pulled out a pistol and jerked Miss Locke towards him, pointing the gun at her. “Miss Locke isn’t going anywhere.”

“You are playing a dangerous game right now,” Guy warned. “If you aren’t careful, you are going to lose your life.”

“I like my odds,” Mr. Huxley remarked. “I have the girl, and I refuse to let her go.”

Guy dismounted from his horse. “Why do you want Miss Locke when she clearly has no desire to marry you?”

“It is complicated.”

“Is it?” Guy asked. “Because I must assume you are a fortune hunter and are marrying her for her money.”

Mr. Huxley frowned. “I also care for her.”

“I don’t believe that is true, or you wouldn’t be pointing a pistol at her.”

“I will pay you to leave us be,” Mr. Huxley offered.

Guy feigned interest. “That is an interesting proposal.”

“I will give you a hundred pounds. That is quite a bit of money for someone like you.”

“It is,” Guy agreed, “but I’m afraid I must decline your offer.”

“Why is that?”

Guy met Miss Locke’s gaze. “Because I would rather die than see Miss Locke marry the likes of you.”

“That can be arranged,” Mr. Huxley growled.

Guy chuckled. “You are outnumbered, outplayed.” He gestured towards Hawthorne near the back of the coach. “If you shoot me, then this man will shoot you where you stand.”

“Then I will shoot Miss Locke, and we both lose.”

“That would be foolhardy on your part, because then Hawthorne and I would both shoot you,” Guy said. “Your chance of survival would be none.”

He watched the indecision on Mr. Huxley’s face. “You aren’t worthy of Miss Locke.”

“I agree,” Guy said, “but I am here to save her, nothing more.”

“Once the word gets out that she eloped to Gretna Green with me, her reputation will be ruined,” Mr. Huxley said. “No one will want her.”

“I will,” Guy declared without the slightest hesitation.

Miss Locke’s eyes flickered with surprise. “You would?”