“I assure you it is not,” Daphne asserted as she lowered her hand.

Mr. Huxley leaned closer to her. “We are eloping to Gretna Green.”

Her eyes widened at his words. “No, we are not.”

“I’m afraid you have little choice in the matter,” he replied. “We will be traveling straight through the night.”

“Aren’t you afraid of highwaymen?”

“I am not.” Mr. Huxley opened his jacket up, revealing a pistol tucked into his waistband.

“One pistol is not going to stop a highwayman,” she said.

Mr. Huxley shrugged, unconcerned. “We shall see.”

“Why are you doing this, Mr. Huxley?”

“I believe I have asked you to call me Albert on multiple occasions,” he said.

Daphne frowned. “And I informed you that it is entirely inappropriate.”

“Not when I am your fiancé.”

She shook her head, and immediately regretted the action. “You are not my fiancé.”

“No?” he asked. “Because you are in a closed carriage with me. I’m afraid your reputation is ruined if you don’t marry me.”

“I would rather remain a spinster.”

“I’m afraid this marriage will take place, with or without your participation.”

She straightened in her seat. “How is that even possible?”

“I have already spoken to an anvil priest who is amenable to overlooking the willingness of the bride, assuming he is properly compensated.”

“Why are you so interested in marrying me?” Daphne asked.

A smug smile came to his lips. “I overheard you telling Mrs. Banfield that you are now your grandmother’s heir.”

“That is what this is all about?” she questioned. “The money?”

“What else would it be about?”

“That is why you attempted to court me. It had nothing to do with your affection towards me or your promise to your late sister, did it?”

“No, it did not,” he replied. “Lady Frances is one of the wealthiest women in these parts, making you an heiress.”

“How do you know my grandmother won’t make Phineas her heir after I tell her that you abducted me?”

“Sadly, your grandmother won’t be alive for that much longer.”

Daphne narrowed her eyes. “What did you do?”

“It was nothing that I did,” he replied. “I spoke to a maid about how your grandmother was keeping us apart, and she felt sympathy for our plight.”

“But that was a lie.”

“I know that, but Sarah did not,” Albert responded. “You see, Lady Frances is also keeping her and Phineas apart.”