“Have you sent for the constable?” Hawthorne asked.

“We have,” the butler confirmed.

Phineas’ voice came from the doorway to the drawing room. “I am not sure what all the fuss is about,” he said. “I have no doubt that my cousin just went for a walk.”

Anger welled up inside of Guy and, with a few strides, he grabbed Phineas by the lapels of his jacket and slammed his back against the wall.

“Where is she?” he growled.

Phineas’ eyes grew wide. “I have no idea.”

“I don’t believe you,” Guy said as he reached for the pistol in the waistband of his trousers. He shoved the barrel of the pistol under Phineas’ chin. “I am going to ask again, and you’d better not lie to me.”

“I am not lying,” Phineas asserted, his voice full of fear.

Guy leaned closer. “Where is she?”

Phineas swallowed slowly. “Honestly, I don’t know,” he said. “You have to believe me.”

“Why should I believe you?” he asked. “You are a blackguard and a known liar.”

“That may be true, but I wouldn’t hurt my cousin.”

Guy’s eyes narrowed. “Is that so?”

“It is.”

“Then why did Miss Locke believe you were responsible for poisoning your grandmother?” Guy asked.

“My grandmother was poisoned?” Phineas questioned, surprise in his voice. “When did Daphne tell you this?”

“This morning, at the coaching inn,” Guy replied. “She came to seek my help.”

“But why you?” Phineas asked. “Why didn’t she go to the constable?”

“It matters not.”

Phineas pursed his lips together, then asked, “Pray tell, why would I poison my own grandmother?”

“For many reasons,” Guy replied. “Greed, jealousy, and revenge are the usual culprits.”

Phineas huffed. “I am still trying to convince my grandmother to make me her heir,” he said. “I don’t want her dead; far from it.”

Guy glanced over his shoulder at Hawthorne. “Do you believe him?”

“I do.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, so do I.” Guy lowered the pistol to his side and took a step back. “But you are still going to answer some questions for us.”

“Why should I help you?” Phineas asked. “You just threatened me.”

“Because I would take great pleasure in shooting you if you fail to cooperate.”

Phineas nodded slowly. “I suppose I could answer a few questions.”

“That is most kind of you,” Guy remarked dryly as he gestured towards the drawing room. “It might be best if we have this discussion in private.”

Phineas rubbed the spot under his chin where the pistol had been. “Was threatening me with a pistol truly necessary?” he asked as he stepped in the drawing room.