“Good, because I am hardly ever wrong.” Daphne smiled to let him know she was teasing.

Mr. Stewart’s lips twitched. “I am a smart enough man to not question that.”

“That is very wise of you,” she bantered back.

“You are an extraordinary person, Miss Locke.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I hardly ever confide in anyone, and yet, I can’t seem to help myself when I am around you,” Mr. Stewart replied. “I find it baffling.”

“I am pleased to hear that,” she said, averting her gaze, “because I feel the same way about you.”

Mr. Stewart smiled. “I have enjoyed getting to know you during my stay at Anmore,” he remarked. “You are a young woman worth knowing.”

“You flatter me, sir.” Her gelding began pawing at the ground, and she laughed. “It would appear that my horse is anxious to resume our ride.”

“I would be remiss if I did not point out that you have a beautiful laugh.”

His comments pleased her, and she fought the blush threatening to form on her cheeks. “You must be careful, because all of this flattery could go to my head,” she joked.

Mr. Stewart shifted in his saddle. “Heaven forbid.”

As Daphne tucked a lock of brown hair behind her ear, she asked, “Did you receive the books that I sent over to the coaching inn?”

Mr. Stewart nodded his head. “That was most thoughtful of you,” he replied. “My sister will be thrilled by all of them.”

“I do so hope she enjoys them.”

“I have no doubt that she will,” Mr. Stewart said. “My sister is a voracious reader.”

“As am I,” she admitted.

Approval shone in Mr. Stewart’s eyes. “I find that admirable.”

“You would be the rare exception, I’m afraid,” Daphne remarked. “Most gentlemen of thetonprefer a woman who only reads drivel.”


“I am referring to the books that most of the women in Society read. They are mostly for entertainment purposes, and rarely cause them to pause and think about what they are reading.”

“First, I never claimed to be a gentleman,” he said. “Second, I appreciate a woman who knows her own mind.”

Daphne caught herself staring deeply into his eyes, and she couldn’t seem to force herself to look away. Not that she wanted to. She could stay like this forever, she realized. His mere presence seemed to bring forth comfort to her ever-chaotic thoughts. And his eyes, albeit intense, found a way to soothe and excite her at the same time.

He blinked, breaking the spell that had come over them, and shifted his gaze away from hers. “I should be heading back into town,” he said reluctantly.

“I should also be heading back,” she replied. “I wouldn’t want my grandmother to worry about me.”

His lips parted as if he intended to say something, but then he closed his mouth. Finally, he spoke. “Good day, Miss Locke.”

She smiled at him. “Good day, Mr. Stewart.”

As she watched Mr. Stewart ride off, she knew in her heart that her grandmother was right. She had developed true affection for him.

Daphne had changedout of her riding habit and was heading down the hall when she heard the sound of crying coming from an empty bedchamber. She walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Sarah sitting on a settee with tears streaming down her face.

“Is everything all right?” Daphne asked as she closed the door behind her.