“Give it time,” he replied. “When this tragedy hits the morning newspaper, I have no doubt that it will be talked about in the House of Commons.”

“But what will they do?”

“They can make inquiries and, hopefully, they can make laws to protect the coal miners.”

Miss Locke’s expression grew crestfallen. “That could take years.”

“There is that chance.”

“I just feel so helpless,” she murmured. “I want to help these workers with more than what I have been doing.”

“There is only so much that anyone can do.”

Miss Locke shifted her gaze to where two girls were sitting quietly on the ground, eating their bread. “These children should be in school.”

“I’m afraid school is out of reach for most people.”

“That is unfortunate.”

“I don’t disagree with you there.”

Miss Locke’s eyes grew moist. “There must be more that I can do for them.”

“Why don’t you go home and rest?” he asked, taking a step closer to her.

She looked up at him. “That might be for the best,” she replied. “I am out of supplies, anyway.”

Guy reached out and placed his hand on her sleeve. “You have made a real difference here today.”

“I am not so sure about that.”

“You came to help when they truly needed it,” he said, lowering his arm to the side.

“As did you.”

He smiled as he held up his bread. “Yes, but I wasn’t smart enough to bring bread with me.”

Miss Locke returned his smile as he hoped she would. “I was most fortunate that our cook had just baked it.”

Guy glanced back over at the pit. “I should be getting back to help.” He hesitated. “Unless you need me to escort you home?”

“I will be fine, but I do thank you for your concern,” she replied.

“Thank you, Miss Locke,” he said.

“For what?”

“Just seeing you lifted my spirits,” he admitted. The moment the words left his mouth, he realized he hadn’t meant to say those words out loud. Saints above, what she must think of him.

Miss Locke averted her gaze. “I feel the same way.”

Guy felt buoyed by her response but kept his face expressionless. He didn’t want her to know how much her words meant to him.

“Good day, Miss Locke,” he said.

She offered him a weak smile. “Good day, Mr. Stewart.”

Chapter Eleven