He put his hand up. “It isn’t for me.”

“It isn’t?” she asked.

“No, it’s for you,” he said, putting his hand down to his side.

Miss Locke gave him a timid smile. “I am rather hungry, but I didn’t dare stop to feed myself.”

“What you are doing is admirable here, but it would do no good if you collapsed from exhaustion.”

Miss Locke took a bite of the bread and chewed it slowly. After she swallowed her bite, she asked, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a piece?”

“Will you continue to eat yours?”

“I will.”

“Then I would.”

Miss Locke broke off some more bread and handed it to him. “How are you not exhausted from hauling all that dirt?”

“I suppose I haven’t stopped to think about it.”

A few children came up to Miss Locke and she crouched down to speak to them. She embraced each of them and handed them some bread.

Guy watched as the children ran off with smiles on their faces. “It takes so little to please a child.”

“That it does,” Miss Locke agreed.

He wiped the sweat off his brow with the sleeve of his shirt. “I do apologize for my haggard appearance.”

“I find it admirable that you came to help.”

“Anyone in my position would do so.”

“I don’t believe that to be true,” Miss Locke said. “Phineas left for the pub last night and hasn’t returned home yet.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

“I have no doubt that he would have heard the news from another patron by now.”

“Phineas has never cared about anyone other than himself.”

“That is a fair assessment of my cousin.” Miss Locke sighed. “He is determined to remain at our manor until my grandmother changes her will back to the way it was before.”

“Why did she change it?”

“Because of Phineas’ disreputable behavior,” Miss Locke said, “but he has it in his mind that he has been wronged.”

Guy bobbed his head. “That doesn’t surprise me,” he replied. “He has always been handed everything before.”

“It is true, but so have I.”

“I will not contest that, but you have a kind, compassionate heart,” he said. “After all, you are standing here right now to help these people.”

“It is such a small contribution.”

“I daresay that you are not giving yourself enough credit.”

“You are too kind.” Miss Locke pressed her lips together before saying, “This can’t keep going on. There needs to be some real changes at the colliery.”