“Do be careful,” Grandmother urged.

Phineas smiled smugly. “I have become quite proficient at riding a horse drunk.”

“That is not something to be proud of,” Daphne muttered.

“Goodnight,” Phineas said as he departed from the room.

Daphne turned her attention towards her grandmother. “He is only here because you named me as your heir.”

“I know, dear.”

“How long do you think he will stay?”

Her grandmother rose. “Let’s hope not long, since it is evident that he has not changed his ways.”

“No, he most assuredly has not.”

Chapter Six

Daphne had justexited her bedchamber the following morning when she heard the sound of shouting coming from her grandmother’s room. She couldn’t exactly make out what was being said, but she would recognize her cousin’s voice anywhere.

She hurried to the door and knocked on it. The yelling stopped and, a moment later, the door was thrown open.

Phineas stood on the other side of the doorway and glared at her. “Do you mind?” he asked. “We are in the middle of a private conversation.”

“Why are you shouting at Grandmother?” Daphne asked, not cowed by his boorish behavior.

Phineas huffed. “Why should it matter to you?” he questioned, his words slurring.

She lifted her brow. “You are drunk.”

“I am not,” he declared. “I only had a few drinks at the pub to lessen the feeling of betrayal that my grandmother has most graciously bestowed upon me.”

“Grandmother did not betray you,” Daphne said.

“No?” he asked, his voice rising. “Then why did it feel like she put a knife in my back?”

Her grandmother’s stern voice came from inside the room. “That is enough, Phineas,” she ordered. “Go sleep it off.”

Phineas shook his head. “After everything I have done for you, this is how you thank me.”

“Pray tell, what have you done for Grandmother?” Daphne challenged.

“I write to her,” Phineas said.

Daphne crossed her arms over her chest. “When was the last time?”

“It has been a few weeks.” He winced as he brought up a hand to his forehead. “Maybe months, but it was less than a year. I am sure of that.”

“My apologies, you are a wonderful grandson,” Daphne remarked dryly.

Phineas took a commanding step towards her. “At least I didn’t sit around and conspire to steal someone else’s inheritance.”

“I did no such thing!” Daphne shouted, her arms dropping to her sides.

“You always were jealous of me,” Phineas declared, leaning closer.

Daphne scrunched her nose at the strong smell of alcohol on his breath. “You stink, Cousin.”